Inappropriate Behavior Report

Good day,

At City Hall, some employees have been showing a strong opinion against Mike Tusino.

I decided to go out on my own and ask some questions about his behavior and I will be sharing some of the shocking answers I received from different sources:

For someone that have been working for this city for a long time, this man always thought he is above everyone else.
I rather not say anything, he is well connected and it’s famous for going after anyone he doesn’t like.

He hates the libraries. He said the following during a division heads meeting after Lena left:

During the pandemic we gave the library workers their job, they should have been laid off but they end up getting paid for staying home and doing nothing. They should be grateful and stop complaining about everything.

I saw him talking about other employees, usually without any decorum. Inappropriate and the vibe at city hall is really bad to be honest.

He had really strong thoughts about the former Mayor. He said in several occasions that her portrait should be moved to a better place, he would then laugh uncontrollably and walk to the trash can saying: THAT’S WHERE DR SPICER BELONGS!

He also have a strong opinion about Mark Dempsey and Councilor Leombruno. He said that Mark can barely work a full time job and that Mark is going after him for no reason because he is a idiot like Leombruno.

I wish I knew how someone can get a job where you don’t need to do anything all day, just gossip and be mean to people.

He is obsessed with the clerk’s salary and the extra money she gets for weddings.

He hates the new attorney, in one event he said she is dumb and don’t know how to do her work.

The Health Department former Nurse, Kitty Mahoney was another victim of his nasty behavior

Tusino once said that we all should be careful with Kitty because she is not really deaf. Called her a witch several times. ……

The list could go on and on

Nobody will risk their jobs talking to HR but at least we are giving you all a good start. Please keep this private and don’t share with him.

Thank you

1 thought on “Inappropriate Behavior Report

  1. H.R. doesn’t do a thing, ask the Dpw how long they went without hot water this winter, how can a building be occupied without hot water. A worker had to call osha after he said there is nothing they can do…. since we became a city things have been going downhill.. rock bottom is to come.. tursiNO is just a small piece to a failing system.

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