Remember that“$20 Sign”?

Do you remember district 7 city council race where the immigrant candidate’s sign disappeared from the lawn of a home to make way for a Spicer sign?

We told you about how Norma Shulman worked to twist that story so that Magareth Sheppard could bring it up during a city council meeting?

Well WE… (so you think Frank Wood is one person? and you think we’re a guy? Don’t be suck a fucking misogynist!) …we, found more emails via a new FOIA regarding this sordid affair.

IN THESE NEWLY DISCOVERED LETTERS – Norma Shulman, Framingham’s fav political trouble maker:

-is crafting the narrative

-has checked with her contacts in the AG’s office to see if there’s a legal issue. (Norma is currently collecting signatures for the AG Healey’s run for Mass Governor)

-bringing in our state reps to the issue. (hey Jack, do you deny being contacted by Norma?)

-and conspiring to plant questions in the D7 Candidates Forum sponsored by the Framingham League of Womens Voters.

-Norma alludes that Mallach knows about this hand crafted local tale. Will Mallach ever acknowledge the assistance she got from Norma & Co?

-and finally in their bid to protect the immigrant homeowner who initially allowed the signs on his property, they trashed a different immigrant which show they don’t care about anyone but themselves and those they can manipulate to do their bidding.

Norma wants this information kept within her sewing circle and not for the general membership of the Framingham Democrats Group she seems to run with her buddy Hugo. This scheming was sent to exclusively the FDC executive board, and a select few ‘friendly’ dignitaries.



Former City Councilor Margareth Shepard is running to be the 6th Middlesex District Massachusetts State Rep – representing all of South Framingham. There will be an election on September 6th to whittle down a field of three candidates to just one.


She is being promoted by people who DO NOT live in the district that she would represent. Supporters include UNPOPULAR people like Mike Hugo, Beth Greeley, Cesar Stewart-Morales, Adam Steiner, Yvonne Spicer, Norma Schulman, Brian Sullivan… and the list goes on.


Learn more about the district and stats on her support.

2 thoughts on “Remember that“$20 Sign”?

  1. I actually asked Magda about this directly (never having met her before). She was quite open about what happened, and what she said earned her my vote. I hope we see her run for office again.

  2. So my people in the know believe that the new administration have been given a pass so far, the new finance side of things are gumming up the works. Not sure where CFO (aka tight pockets) is not allowing the depts to update their supplies. From replacing trash truck main parts to lack of clean compactable gravel in highway and sewer depts. The city finally came to the table for contracts but 3 years after they ran out, guess what? July first should be start of new contracts. Not going to happen, Every DPW and park and rec departments are down employees because Framingham does not pay what other towns and cities pay around the area. Make do with what you have that’s the battle cry from the bosses, The problem there are way too many chiefs and not enough Indians, (might need diversity training after that) 20 plus employees down in DPW, guy just left after 24 years in sewer, Mr Lewis sorry but you might want to rethink your acceptance of the big job. This is not Needham, sorry Charlie but time to step up give your guys, the ones who do the work the resources to get job done right. MK would not be allowing this to happen she understood where to spend monies she got it, Charlie time to get Ms CFO to learn the system. Framingham does roadwork and public works the right way not the cheap way.

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