Chapel Hill Condos or should we say ‘Cover-Up Condos’

Chapel Hill East is at it again. After trying to cover up (both management and condo Board of Trustees) from the residents a serious Asbestos situation, behind-the-scenes condo fee-structuring has once again been kept from the unit owners. A few years back, during condo conversions (from commercial to residential) on the first floor at Chapel Hill East, demo was

FOIA DUMP: 10 Years of School Department Payments to Petrini & Associates, the source of those funds may surprise you.

THE REQUESTER: Olufunmilola Shelly, FU MULTIPLE REQUEST COMBINED BELOW: A list or documentation of of all current, pending, and closed lawsuits which included the municipality of Framingham, its school, police, or fire divisions since 1/1/2017. Seeking documentation on the outcome, if payments were paid or received as a result of the ruling, please provide proof

FOIA DUMP: Emails leading up to the secret implementation of Diversity Hiring Policy #44

Watch our 5 minute video on what policy 44 is and how it had led to the hiring of not always the most qualified candidate. Policy 44 was implemented on 9/1/2020 with no announcement, fanfare, or news release. Training was given to hiring managers in secret webinars. CLICK TO ENLARGE ANY PAGES BELOW

FOIA DUMP: All Recent Vehicle Purchases by City, Fire and Police (with certain exceptions)

WHY WE MADE THIS REQUEST There was a rumor that the Mayor was trading in her taxpayer funded jalopy for something new, in case she was re-elected, or something to take with her on her way out the door. Her prior vehicle was a police car purchased out of LETF funds. LETF funds don’t need

How HR Policy 44 may lead to MCAD Discrimination Lawsuit; The involved parties have already discussed it and how they will defend against it.

THIS POST IS INCOMPLETE AS THERE ARE A FEW FOIA REQUESTS THAT STILL NEED TO COME IN. Basic backstory. A guy who works for HR, Renan Pinhiero and assists the mayor as a photographer and with her social media outreach, who also sits on the Human Relations Commission of Framingham, applied for a creative communication

The Intent of the Vote was “Clear”… as written by Caraline Rowins Levy (A Spicer & Steiner Supporter)

The letter above will be presented in court today, asking the judge to declare Adam Steiner the winner. The letter writer Caraline Rowins-Levy is a big supporter of the Spicer slate. Adam Steiner is part of the Spicer slate. Her and her hubbies donations show her allegiance She is also a member of the Democratic

Thanksgiving (Thursday, November 25th 2021) Big S/O to Dr. Aradhana Mudambi! (Director of Multilingual Education) Thanksgiving (Thursday, November 25th 2021) Big S/o to Dr. Aradhana Mudambi! (Director of Multilingual Education) How Inclusive Is It to Refer to This Weekend as Turkey Day? As we come to our final few days of school before our long, Thanksgiving Day weekend, we may be tempted to wish our students a Happy Turkey

FOIA DUMP: Water & Sewer Rates over 20 Years

Request Details Request Submitted 11/5/2021 11:41:51 AM Requester Name Geoffrey Epstein Requested Department CFO’s Office Request Content I would like to know the average annual water & sewer bill for a single family residential property in each of the last 20 years. Request Document Attachment No request document found for this request. RESPONSE: DPW –

CPC Agenda Files – The Future of Framingham’s Parkland (and new low income housing on the south side???)

If you are free at 7pm tonight. We highly encourage our readers to tune into the CPC (Community Preservation Act Commission) Meeting. ZOOM LINK – 7PM 11/22/2021 CLICK TO ENLARGE

Acceptance of Natick’s State Ethics Commission Complaint RE: Selectboard’s Active and Willful Conspiracy to Violate Mass General Laws, G. L. c. 66, § 10A, Deceitful Statements to Mass Secretary of State’s Division of Public Records (Being Investigated: Susan Salamoff, Richard Jennett, Michael Hickey, Karen Adelman-Foster, Paul Joseph, James Hicks, Kathleen Lentini)

For background information: Maria J. Krokidas                                                                                                                                            Chair                                                                                                                                                        David Wilson   Executive Director November 22, 2021 Frank Wood Dear Mr. Wood: This will acknowledge receipt of your emailed submission received here on November 20, 2021.  The information you furnished is being reviewed by our enforcement division staff. Unless the matter is resolved publicly, you should be aware that we will not be able to inform you of what action we take regarding your complaint. This is because our enacting statute, G.L. c. 268B, and our procedures impose strict confidentiality requirements on all aspects of our review of complaints. We trust you can understand that protecting the confidentiality of our investigations and our sources is essential to our effectiveness and to complainants’ and subjects’ legitimate privacy concerns. You will receive a letter from us when we have completed reviewing this matter.  If the matter is closed without an investigation or with a confidential letter to the subject, your letter will simply state that the staff has concluded that there was no violation or that this matter does not warrant further action by the Commission at this time.  The letter will not inform you of the details of our review or of the particulars of the confidential resolution.  If the matter is resolved publicly, we will send you a copy of the public resolution. We appreciate your forwarding this information to us. We are very much aware of the importance of individual complainants to the Commission’s enforcement of the conflict of interest law, G.L. c. 268A. We are currently