After yesterday’s recount Adam Steiner took to Facebook to post this message. In this message he thanks numerous people who we can link directly to the “Framingham Democratic Town Committee” whose executive membership listed below are hardcore Spicer supporters. We boldened the names you should ne made aware of.

Hi folks, You’ve probably heard, but today’s recount resulted in an – almost unheard of – tie. There’s a great civics lesson here for sure!
The likely next step in the process is for the two ballots that were shifted from being counted as blanks to being counted for Ms. Feeney to be reviewed by the courts. That should result in a determination about the final outcome of the November 2nd election. If not, we’ll look to the next step advised by the court to break the tie, and we will certainly abide by the court’s and the City’s decision. Much as I respected Ms. Feeney’s request for a recount, I similarly want to make sure every i is dotted and t is crossed as we move forward in the process.
I want to thank the many volunteers that helped with the recount today – examining ballots, speaking up for the campaign, and giving me a morale boost all day. Thank you to Norma Shulman, Mel Warshaw, Jack Lewis, Mary Ellen Sikes, Caraline Levy, Ryan Ellis, Ellen Koltenuk, Len Brenner, Larry Stoodt, Sue Bernstein, Jean Watt, Lynn Crevier, Steve Magno, Ann Magno, Barbara LeDuc, Lori Bornstein, Doug Lawrence, Judy Gatlin, Janet Drummey, Ken Weiss, Bill Rabkin, Jill Turk, Rozzy Hooper-Hamersly, as well as attorney John Gannon.
I also want to thank the City Clerk, Lisa Ferguson, and her staff, the Election Commission, City Solicitor Chris Petrini, and the many volunteers and officials who made today run smoothly.
I care deeply about my hometown of Framingham and our community’s future. Thank you for sticking with me as we see this process through to its conclusion!

You might remember that just a few weeks ago, days before the election itself, Adam Steiner wrote up a post that aimed to distance him from his good friend Yvonne Spicer, stating that he now supported Charlie Sisitsisky, proving that allegiance with a $25 hedged bet he had placed in June in the form of a token donation to the Sisitisky Campaign. Real supporters give more money, they get involved in the process, they hold signs, and they endorse their candidate in the months leading up to election. Steiner pledged his support to Sisitsky merely days before the election pointing to a token donation he had made months earlier as proof.
Take a look at his post:

Hi everyone-Someone pointed out to me that supporters of my opponent are posting to multiple fb groups inaccurate information about me and my support for mayoral candidates and so I wanted to set the record straight.
First of all, my primary focus is on my campaign and hearing from the voters of District 3. Regardless of who wins the Mayor’s race on November 2, we are going to need a City Council that is prepared to be a partner and a critic in terms of city policy and will best represent our constituents.
That said, I am supporting Charlie for Mayor. I told Charlie that months ago. I told Mayor Spicer about it months ago. I have talked to Charlie’s son Adam frequently about the campaign as I have known Adam since we were kids and know him now as a fellow TBA basketball dad. I made a small donation to Charlie’s campaign. Those are the facts.
This misinformation is tied into a convenient narrative that has made the rounds that I am loyal to Mayor Spicer. It is convenient for political purposes, but it just isn’t true. I am loyal to Framingham and Framingham values – education, the environment, economic development, and social justice – and fight for those.
In fact, on the most controversial issues in the past 4 years I have disagreed with the Mayor.
Education funding – she has tried to reduce spending for the Framingham Public Schools and I have led the charge to increase it. I will fight for our school system no matter who else is for it.
Housing – she opposed the moratorium, I was for it. She supported a TIF for Fountain Street Studios. I fought against it. I am going to fight for sustainable development regardless of who else is for it.
Appointments – most Mayoral appointments the CC has approved unanimously. However, in my first term when she tried to remove Councilor Ottaviani from the ZBA, I opposed that (and caught some flack). When she tried to remove the late Karen Dempsey from the Disability Commission, I opposed that. I am going to fight for dedicated Framingham volunteers regardless of who else is for it.
Budget – the Mayor’s budgets have asked for sizable increases in the tax levy. I opposed those and the City Council reduced or eliminated the tax increase every year. I am going to fight for taxpayers regardless of who else is for it.
I have also disagreed with the majority of City Councilors on issues:
I think we are moving too slowly on the environment and the climate crisis.
There were budget cuts made that I thought went too far.
I thought we should buy the Belknap Pool Club and should do more to preserve open space.
I think we need a standing technology committee to tackle the host of technology-related issues we face.
I still believe in all of the above and am going to fight for the environment, city services, open space, and effective use of technology whenever I can.
So these are the facts. I am loyal to Framingham – to my neighbors in District 3 first, last, and in between – and I am going to fight for them every day I am in office.

Steiner made no endorsements of Sisitsky leading up to this post, he never stood on the street corner with George King, Mike Cannon, Janet Leombruno, and others did on numerous occasions, Steiner was merely a supporter in name only, with a months earlier “just in case it came to this” hedge bet donation of an inconsequential amount.
If social media is a tracker of history, prior to his recent relevation that he supports Sisitsky, we can see no posts written by Adam Steiner on any of his three accounts, mentioning Charlie Sisitsky since early in 2019, when they both served on the inaugural city council together. Spicer however is a regular mention.

Steiner is a Spicerette. Steiner in the top letter above actively thanked a whole slate of Spicerettes. Including Norma Schulman who is devious and cunning and seeks to prop up her friends while stabbing their opponents in the back, underhandedly.
If you need more proof of loyalties. Steiner and Spicer have been friends for decades and in the last 8+ years have had an arrangement where Spicer purchases some of Adam Steiner’s seasons tickets to the Pats games. This arrangement continues per financial and conflict of interest disclosures.