If the city does not allow Beacon Compassionate Care their license to operate in Framingham, the city will likely be sued and we will lose big! CLICK TO ENLARGE PAGES

You know Framingham… This is the Framingham you don't know.
If the city does not allow Beacon Compassionate Care their license to operate in Framingham, the city will likely be sued and we will lose big! CLICK TO ENLARGE PAGES
From: Amanda Zuretti <azuretti@petrinilaw.com>Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2021 12:18 PMTo: John A. Stefanini <jastefanini@framinghamma.gov>; Thatcher W. Kezer <tkezer@framinghamma.gov>Cc: Chris Petrini <cpetrini@petrinilaw.com>; Maureen McKeon <mmckeon@framinghamma.gov>Subject: RE: Marijuana Ordinance CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize and verify the sender and know the content is safe.
This single page “Management Letter” was never made public, nor was it ever intended to be made public. We were clued in to the existence of this letter when we came across an email within a records request that alluded to a letter with concerning findings on a particular date. We became concerned because, concerning
This is just a select few emails of 90 pages of emails that we just received from the MassDOT. Emails are not in order, but we decided to release a small dose of records in advance of our big sort on these and other documents. The full pdf download of all the pages can be
LETF funds don’t need city council permission to spend and are used as needed by the police for their needs as they come up, with certain parameters. These purchases are never publicized and are only seen when requested as a public record. THIS FOIA DUMP GOES WITH THIS EARLIER REPORT LISTING LARGE VEHICLE PURCHASES The
REQUEST 1: RESPONSE 1: Attached please find the responsive documents for your request. As per previously established practice under the direction of legal counsel and the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s Division of Public Records office, the home contact, health and medical, and / or family information, as well as other details of a sufficiently personal
DECEMBER 14 UPDATE: Grand jury proceedings for Jamie Quilty started December 13th. Indictment likely incoming. Multiple officers and dispatchers from Natick subpoenaed. NOVEMBER 15 UPDATE: Because the town had been caught in a lie wit a WBUR investigative journalist by the state public records appeals team, we were able to reopen our in-cam review of
Typical of the Spicer administration, this presentation was uploaded in fewer than 3 hours before Finance Subcommittee Meeting. See how Spicer wants to spend your money in the future years. This budget will be presented tonight, Dec 14, 2021 shortly after 7pm. CLICK TO ENLARGE SLIDES
Harassing Sr Citizens: Filing false complaint with the town regarding bad odor / rodents from unit without first reaching out to the unit owner. Instigating neighbor to sue neighbor by giving false information Try to enter unit when there is no emergency without unit owner’s permission Making repeated calls at work place asking to move
We recently learned that FPS School employees who are vaccinated will not be notified by contact tracers if they were deemed in contact with a COVID positive individual. Here is the state guidance on the matter.
Chapel Hill East is at it again. After trying to cover up (both management and condo Board of Trustees) from the residents a serious Asbestos situation, behind-the-scenes condo fee-structuring has once again been kept from the unit owners. A few years back, during condo conversions (from commercial to residential) on the first floor at Chapel Hill East, demo was
THE REQUESTER: Olufunmilola Shelly, FU MULTIPLE REQUEST COMBINED BELOW: A list or documentation of of all current, pending, and closed lawsuits which included the municipality of Framingham, its school, police, or fire divisions since 1/1/2017. Seeking documentation on the outcome, if payments were paid or received as a result of the ruling, please provide proof