How HR Policy 44 may lead to MCAD Discrimination Lawsuit; The involved parties have already discussed it and how they will defend against it.


Basic backstory.

A guy who works for HR, Renan Pinhiero and assists the mayor as a photographer and with her social media outreach, who also sits on the Human Relations Commission of Framingham, applied for a creative communication job in the Framingham Public Schools. He is well liked by his coworkers and is highly deserving of the promotion.

Per policy 44, implemented earlier this year by Spicer, HR, and the Diversity Equity and Inclusion officer, because he met the minimum qualifications and was the most diverse candidate, the job was his.

However the hiring manager did something else.


Policy 44 was implemented on Sept 1 2020 with no announcements, fanfare, or any public notification. Training happened only with a memo to all department heads and a manditory webinar led by then Chief Diversity Equity and Inclusion Officer Maritza Barros. The following are the emails regarding the Policy’s creation and implementation…

She sent the work of the final two candidates out to the community as a survey to be judged. The hiring manager was confused, she made this contest about skill, and not minimum qualifications and race as policy 44 stipulates. The hiring manager made the job offer to the less diverse candidate… the white girl.

Want to see the survey results? Click to enlarge the images below or click to download the file.

Renan Pinheiro who is expected to file a lawsuit against the city was Candidate B.


Now the city is looking at being sued.

At the end of the day – neither applicants were hired, and the school has had to start their search over, because their search resulted in a diversity rule breaking job offer.

It seems that the outgoing mayor is assisting her soon to be former social media director and photographer, in his quest to sue the city through a MCAD (Massachusetts Commission against Descrimination) claim.



Subject: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Candidates
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 8/24/2021, 4:55 PM
To: Robert Tremblay, Tiago Gadens
Hi Bob and Tiago,
A quick update before I take any next steps! In addi􀀁on to the normal job pos􀀁ng, we will also
be pos􀀁ng to The Ad Club (where designers and copywriters look for jobs – usually in Ad Agencies).
I also sent emails to 50+ Graphic Design Professors / Department Chairs at all of our local colleges
with the job descrip􀀁on and a plea to share with their alumni networks. Lastly, I posted the job to
Handshake which is the pla􀀂orm colleges use to post internships and jobs to students / alumni.
We’ve received 19 applicants and I’ve iden􀀁fied 4 that I believe showcase a design eye / skill that
would help us with our crea􀀁ve communica􀀁on.
Tiago and I can chat about the next steps on Friday (phone screen, interview, test project, and when
to loop in the commi􀀄ee to par􀀁cipate in interviews) – but I just wanted to pass along the top 4 at this
moment. Please see a􀀄achments.

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Candidates
From: Robert Tremblay
Date: 8/25/2021, 3:18 PM
To: Rochelle Santos
CC: Tiago Gadens
Thanks, Rochelle, I will take a look!

On Wed, Sep 1, 2021 at 10:56 AM Rochelle Santos wrote:
I have three more people to add to the list and would love to start planning ini􀀁al phone
screens, followed by first round interviews.
Please see material for Renan Pinheiro, Cynthia Schilling, and Sierra Decatur a􀀃ached. I will
send a separate email invi􀀁ng a few more people to par􀀁cipate in the interview process. Please
be on the lookout!

On Wed, Sep 1, 2021 at 11:13 AM Tiago Gadens wrote:
Can you start working on the questions?
I am including Inna in this email as she will be creating the process for us.

On Wed, Sep 1, 2021 at 12:36 PM Inna Kantor London wrote:
Hi Rochelle,
It sounds to me like you screened the applicants so you won’t have a screening commi􀀃ee. When
are you thinking of holding interviews? Are you going to have the members of the interviewing
commi􀀃ee contribute ques􀀁ons? We should have a training as soon as possible for the screening
commi􀀃ee members – who will be on it?

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Candidates
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 9/1/2021, 12:48 PM
To: Inna Kantor London
CC: Tiago Gadens, Robert Tremblay
Thank you Inna – If you mean looked at all of the applicants’ documents and narrowed down to the 7 I
would like to talk to, yes I screened them 🙂
At the very least, I would like to invite Bob, Tiago, and Joe to par􀀁cipate in the interview process as
this is the group who played a major role with the branding effort and whose departments may need
the most support. If you think I need to add more people, I will – but I want to move as quickly as
possible and am nervous to compete with several schedules. (I am sure for the group I selected this
may already be a challenge).
I would like to hold interviews as soon as next week if we can. I would be happy to take ques􀀁ons
from Bob, Tiago, and Joe. I will start compiling some now.
Let me know what comes next.
Thank you!

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Candidates
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 9/1/2021, 12:48 PM
To: Inna Kantor London
CC: Tiago Gadens, Robert Tremblay
Thank you Inna – If you mean looked at all of the applicants’ documents and narrowed down to the 7 I
would like to talk to, yes I screened them 🙂
At the very least, I would like to invite Bob, Tiago, and Joe to par􀀁cipate in the interview process as
this is the group who played a major role with the branding effort and whose departments may need
the most support. If you think I need to add more people, I will – but I want to move as quickly as
possible and am nervous to compete with several schedules. (I am sure for the group I selected this
may already be a challenge).
I would like to hold interviews as soon as next week if we can. I would be happy to take ques􀀁ons
from Bob, Tiago, and Joe. I will start compiling some now.
Let me know what comes next.
Thank you!

Subject: Re: Folder shared with you: “Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer”
From: Inna Kantor London
Date: 9/1/2021, 5:31 PM
To: Rochelle Santos, Monta Connolly
CC: Tiago Gadens
Hi Rochelle,
I am ccing Monta for a 30 minute mee􀀁ng as soon as possible so we can get going!

Subject: Re: Folder shared with you: “Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer”
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 9/1/2021, 5:55 PM
To: Inna Kantor London
CC: Monta Connolly, Tiago Gadens
Thanks Inna! Looking forward to it!

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Candidates
From: Inna Kantor London
Date: 9/2/2021, 6:36 AM
To: Rochelle Santos
CC: Amy Kane, Monta Connolly, Robert Tremblay, Tiago
Ok! Everyone except for you has gone through the mandatory training so I’m going to send you the presenta􀀁on to review. I’m ccing Amy Kane to figure out dates for the interviews. Can you meet at 2 or 2:30 today? I just want to make sure I have the process as you want.

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Candidates
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 9/2/2021, 7:25 AM
To: Inna Kantor London
CC: Amy Kane, Monta Connolly, Robert Tremblay, Tiago
Eeeek! Yes, please send the presenta􀀁on!
I can do any 􀀁me that works for you! 2 or 2:30 are great.
Thank you!

Subject: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer: TIME SENSITIVE
From: Inna Kantor London
Date: 9/2/2021, 6:35 PM
To: Monta Connolly, Najee Nunnally, Amy Kane, Tiago Gadens, Joseph Corazzini, Rochelle
CC: Robert Tremblay

HI Everyone:

We are so excited to embark on the process for obtaining a Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer for our district.

1) We are looking to do virtual interviews on 9/13 (4 – 6:30) and 9/14 (4 – 6:30). We have 7 candidates.

Each interview will have a 30 minute long interview with a 10 minute break in between candidates.

One night will have 4 candidates and the next night will have 3 to allow 􀀁me for a discussion. Please see the a􀀂ached document – Monta can send out the emails (see the document) if that is ok with everyone and verify 􀀁mes. Also please send invites.

2) The 30 min interview will be 􀀁med with 8 questions (3 min each), and the remaining 􀀁me for the candidate to ask ques􀀁ons. If you have any feedback on these ques􀀁ons, please let us know by Wed 9/8.

3) Candidates will be asked to complete two assignments .

4) Bob (and possibly others) will par􀀁cipate in Round 2.

5) Rochelle will complete this training because she has not done it before.

Thank you, everyone.

Subject: Hello and Footage Request
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 9/2/2021, 9:14 PM
To: Bradley Groleau
Hi Brad,
I hope this finds you well a􀀂er a much needed summer break and crazy last school year! I have a
couple things coming up and wonder if you might have a student looking for a task or two. Please let
me know what you think!

  1. I am hiring a FT Crea􀀃ve Communica􀀃ons Designer for graphic design, photography, and if I’m really lucky basic video support. As part of the interview process I am providing candidates with test project op􀀃ons – they choose which two to complete. One of the projects is to create a one-minute promo􀀃onal video about Framingham Public Schools. Originally I was going to have them do this “using publicly available media”, but I am thinking it might be best to provide some clips. Do you have, or could a student organize, a folder with various b-roll clips that I could share with the
    candidates? I wouldn’t want to provide alot – but something that would reflect the District.
  2. Maybe as a follow up once the clips are organized, would you have a student available who can assist in crea􀀃ng an FPS Highlight Reel? Meghan Sidmore started one in 2020 just before COVID and now she’s on to bigger and be􀀅er things. She was on the right path, but we were missing footage reflec􀀃ve of all schools. Anyway – I am pre􀀅y close to launching the new District website (happy to give you a preview for context) and I would LOVE to launch with a crisp / professional video.

    Let me know what you think! I look forward to reconnec􀀃ng!

Subject: Crea􀀁ve Communic… – Pleas…
From: “Inna Kantor London (Google Docs)”
Date: 9/3/2021, 12:40 PM
Inna Kantor London assigned you an action item in the following
Creative Communications Designer Interviews
See applications
Inna Kantor London Please fill out and reach out to candidates
with email below once participants confirm dates
Assigned to Monta Connolly
Monta Connolly
The link to applicants leads me to only one applicant – Cynthia Schilling – please
share all of the applicants you would like me to reach out to.
Inna Kantor London New Can you please share the file with monta?
Reassigned to you
View files with action items assigned to you

Subject: Crea􀀁ve Communic… – Can we add a ques􀀁on regarding the d…
From: “Joseph Corazzini (Google Docs)”
Date: 9/3/2021, 5:27 PM

Subject: Crea􀀁ve Communic… – @rsanto…
From: “Monta Connolly (Google Docs)”
Date: 9/8/2021, 9:34 AM

Monta Connolly mentioned you in a comment in the following document
Creative Communications Designer Interviews
Daniel Goodwin
Monta Connolly New
This individual resigned.

Subject: Crea􀀁ve Communic… – Zach wi…
From: “Monta Connolly (Google Docs)”
Date: 9/13/2021, 11:23 AM
Monta Connolly replied to an action item in the following document
Creative Communications Designer Interviews
Monta Connolly Zach withdrew from the interview process as
he accepted another position. Also, the applicants do not have a Zoom link yet.
Assigned to you
Rochelle Santos
Ok, Will generate the Zoom link now. Is it one link and we let the applicants in one
at a time? Or a different zoom link per interview?
Monta Connolly New
Usually we create one link with a waiting room and let applicants in one at a time.

Subject: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Interview 9/13- Zoom Link
From: Monta Connolly
Date: 9/13/2021, 2:29 PM
To: ma􀀂
CC: Rochelle Santos
Good a􀀃ernoon Ma􀀂hew,
Your interview for the Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Posi􀀁on is scheduled for tonight, 9/13 @ 4
Please use the following Zoom link for your interview:
The Interview Commi􀀂ee is composed of 3 individuals, you will a􀀂end a 30-minute interview (done
via zoom) and then par􀀁cipate in an assignment that will be provided to you electronically and which
you can submit electronically as well. The 30-minute interview will have about 8 or so 􀀁med
ques􀀁ons (meaning you will have about 3 minutes to answer each ques􀀁on) and then you will have
􀀁me to ask the Commi􀀂ee ques􀀁ons as well.
We look forward to mee􀀁ng with you!


Subject: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Interview Assignments
From: Monta Connolly
Date: 9/13/2021, 6:02 PM
To: Rochelle Santos, Tiago Gadens

Subject: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer
From: Monta Connolly
Date: 9/13/2021, 2:31 PM
To: Jennifer Hanna
CC: Rochelle Santos
Good a􀀂ernoon Jennifer,
Your interview for the Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Posi􀀁on is scheduled for tonight, 9/13 @
5:20 PM.
Please use the following Zoom link for your interview:
The Interview Commi􀀃ee is composed of 3 individuals, you will a􀀃end a 30-minute interview (done
via zoom) and then par􀀁cipate in an assignment that will be provided to you electronically and which
you can submit electronically as well. The 30-minute interview will have about 8 or so 􀀁med
ques􀀁ons (meaning you will have about 3 minutes to answer each ques􀀁on) and then you will have
􀀁me to ask the Commi􀀃ee ques􀀁ons as well.
We look forward to mee􀀁ng with you!

Subject: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer
From: Monta Connolly
Date: 9/13/2021, 2:32 PM
To: Renan Malkavian
CC: Rochelle Santos
Good a􀀂ernoon Renan,
Your interview for the Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Posi􀀁on is scheduled for tomorrow night,
9/14 @ 4:40 PM.
Please use the following Zoom link for your interview:
The Interview Commi􀀃ee is composed of 3 individuals, you will a􀀃end a 30-minute interview (done
via zoom) and then par􀀁cipate in an assignment that will be provided to you electronically and which
you can submit electronically as well. The 30-minute interview will have about 8 or so 􀀁med
ques􀀁ons (meaning you will have about 3 minutes to answer each ques􀀁on) and then you will have
􀀁me to ask the Commi􀀃ee ques􀀁ons as well.
We look forward to mee􀀁ng with you!


Subject: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer
From: Monta Connolly
Date: 9/13/2021, 2:33 PM
To: Cynthia Schilling
CC: Rochelle Santos
Good a􀀂ernoon Cynthia,
Your interview for the Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Posi􀀁on is scheduled for tomorrow night,
9/14 @ 5:20 PM.
Please use the following Zoom link for your interview:
The Interview Commi􀀃ee is composed of 3 individuals, you will a􀀃end a 30-minute interview (done
via zoom) and then par􀀁cipate in an assignment that will be provided to you electronically and which
you can submit electronically as well. The 30-minute interview will have about 8 or so 􀀁med
ques􀀁ons (meaning you will have about 3 minutes to answer each ques􀀁on) and then you will have
􀀁me to ask the Commi􀀃ee ques􀀁ons as well.
We look forward to mee􀀁ng with you!

Subject: Invita􀀁on: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer @ Mon Sep 13, 2021 4pm – 5:50pm (EDT)
From: Tiago Gadens
Date: 9/13/2021, 2:47 PM

1 Matthew Walczak (confirmed) 9/13: 4:00-4:30
2 Sierra Decatur (confirmed) 9/13: 4:40 – 5:10
3 Jennifer Hanna (confirmed) 9/13: 5:20 -5:50

Subject: Invita􀀁on: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer @ Tue Sep 14, 2021 4:40pm – 5:50pm (EDT)
From: Tiago Gadens
Date: 9/13/2021, 2:51 PM

6 Renan Pinheiro (confirmed) 9/14: 4:40 – 5:10
7 Cynthia Schilling (confirmed) 9/14: 5:20 -5:50

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer
From: Cynthia Schilling
Date: 9/13/2021, 2:51 PM
To: Monta Connolly
CC: Rochelle Santos
Hi Monta,
Thank you for le􀀂ng me know. I look forward to the interview tomorrow!
Thank you,

Subject: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Interview Assignments
From: Monta Connolly
Date: 9/14/2021, 5:52 PM
To: Tiago Gadens, Rochelle Santos

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer
From: Renan Malkavian
Date: 9/14/2021, 6:03 PM
To: Monta Connolly
CC: Rochelle Santos
Good a􀀁ernoon Rochelle and Monta,
I appreciate you taking the 􀀂me to meet with me today about the crea􀀂ve communica􀀂ons designer job
I enjoyed learning about the role. I feel confident my experience with graphic design and social media will
translate into similar success as your new designer.
I am highly interested in joining your team and contribu􀀂ng to our diverse community. If you have any more
ques􀀂ons or need addi􀀂onal informa􀀂on from me, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Again thank you for your 􀀂me.
You can find my por􀀄olio on the following website:
Renan Y Pinheiro
Pronouns: he, him, his

On Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 10:30 AM Sierra Decatur wrote:
Good morning,
Thank you very much for your 􀀁me on Monday evening, I enjoyed speaking with you all and ge􀀂ng
a be􀀃er feel for the Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer posi􀀁on!
Below is a link to a Google Folder in which you can view the completed assignments. This includes a
video as well as a suite of graphics. There is also a compiled PDF that briefly outlines the
crea􀀁ve/thought process behind the designs and it will allow you to see them all in one place which
can be helpful in ge􀀂ng a be􀀃er feel for the way they work as a whole.
Please let me know if you have any ques􀀁ons. Thanks!
Sierra Decatur

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Interview Assignments
From: Monta Connolly
Date: 9/15/2021, 11:05 AM
To: Sierra Decatur
CC: Rochelle Santos, Tiago Gadens
Thank you, Sierra, for comple􀀁ng this project! We will review it as a team and get back to you!
Have a great,

From: Jennifer Hanna
Date: Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Interview Assignments
To: Monta Connolly
Hi Monta,
I have completed the projects, I decided to do the “Back to School” graphic and the promo postcard.
For the postcard, I want with what I thought was an edgier design because of the dark background
color and big, bold, highlighted words. I stuck with an illustra􀀁on theme within both projects to stay
consistent but they do have very different feels.
The back to school graphic is lighter and more welcoming in my opinion. Again, s􀀁cking to the
illustra􀀁on theme to give that note book feel, the doodles would just move around and poten􀀁ally
scale up or down depending on which social media pla􀀃orm you would be using.
Let me know if you have any ques􀀁ons or comments, I hope to hear from you soon!
Jennifer Hanna

From: MWalczak
Date: Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Interview Assignments
To: Monta Connolly
Hi Monta,
Thank you for the though􀀃ul and engaging interview the other day. I felt like you all knew what you
were looking for and had put a lot of considera􀀁on into the ques􀀁ons. I appreciated that from the
other end of things. I hope I’m chosen to go further in this process, but regardless I think you’re
on the right track to a great school year.
I have a previously scheduled ac􀀁vity with my daughter this a􀀄ernoon, so I wish I had more 􀀁me to
work on these projects, but I’m happy with where I got to and I hope you are too. Please let me
know if you have any ques􀀁ons, and I hope to hear from you soon.
Ma􀀂 Walczak

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer
From: Monta Connolly
Date: 9/15/2021, 4:03 PM
To: Renan Malkavian
CC: Rochelle Santos
Hi Renan,
Thank you so much for mee􀀁ng with us yesterday and thank you for providing us with a link to your
por􀀂olio as well!

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Interview Assignments
From: Renan Malkavian
Date: 9/15/2021, 11:01 PM
To: Monta Connolly, Tiago Gadens, Rochelle Santos
Dear Interview Commi􀀁ee,
Once again, thank you for your 􀀂me on Tuesday. I am sincerely grateful. Here is the link to the Google folder
I created with the assignment you requested.
If you have any ques􀀂ons, please let me know.
Renan Y Pinheiro
Pronouns: he, him, his
t: 508-816-0965 |

From: Monta Connolly
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2021 8:34:25 AM
To: Renan Malkavian
Cc: Tiago Gadens; Rochelle Santos
Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Interview Assignments
Thank you so much, Renan! We will review your projects as a team and get back to you as soon as
Have a g

On Thu, Sep 16, 2021 at 3:29 PM Cynthia Schilling wrote:
Hi all,
I enjoyed mee􀀁ng with you and hearing more about FPS and the design posi􀀁on. I’m a􀀂aching the
design assignments to this email (the postcard PDF is double-sided).
Thank you, and I hope to hear from you soon!

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Interview Assignments
From: Monta Connolly
Date: 9/16/2021, 4:02 PM
To: Cynthia Schilling
CC: Tiago Gadens, Rochelle Santos
Thank you so much, Cynthia! We will review your projects as a team and get back to you as soon as
Have a great day!

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Interview Assignments
From: Renan Malkavian
Date: 9/16/2021, 6:40 PM
To: Monta Connolly
CC: Tiago Gadens, Rochelle Santos
Sounds great, thank you!

Subject: Invita􀀁on: Round 2 Check – in: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer @ Wed Sep 22, 2021 3pm –
4pm (EDT) (
From: Tiago Gadens
Date: 9/21/2021, 2:31 PM

Subject: Connec􀀁ng on Candidates + New Applicant
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 9/22/2021, 10:41 AM
To: Monta Connolly, Tiago Gadens
Hi Monta and Tiago,
I am looking forward to mee􀀁ng at 3pm today! In prepara􀀁on for our discussion, I compiled the athome
assignment material and applicant informa􀀁on into a deck. I added my notes into the speaker
sec􀀁on. See it here: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Candidates. You can comment with your
notes for inclusion or we can discuss this a􀀂ernoon!

I also received an applica􀀁on through Handshake which is the local college pla􀀃orm for jobs (current
students and alumni). Please take a look at let me know if you think we should squeeze in a Round 1
with Rina.
rinaJoy_portfolio – Interactive pdf.pdf

Subject: Invita􀀁on: Review Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Process @ Tue Sep 28, 2021 8:30am –
9am (EDT) (
From: Robert Tremblay
Date: 9/22/2021, 3:17 PM

Good afternoon Matt,
It is my great pleasure to invite you for the final interview for the Creative Communications Designer
Position. We would like to meet with you, in person, on Thursday, September 30th @ 1 PM.
The Interview Committee is composed of 6 individuals, and we are hoping to have you attend a 45-minute
interview. The 45-minute interview will have a number of timed questions and then you will have time to
ask the Committee a couple of questions as well. Please bring with you to your interview any printed
portfolio items/materials for review by our committee.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you are able to attend and I will provide you with additional
details. Thank you so much!

Subject: Final Interview for Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Posi􀀁on
From: Monta Connolly
Date: 9/22/2021, 4:19 PM
To: Renan Malkavian
CC: Rochelle Santos
Good afternoon Renan,
It is my great pleasure to invite you for the final interview for the Creative Communications Designer
Position. We would like to meet with you, in person, on Thursday, September 30th @ 3 PM.
The Interview Committee is composed of 6 individuals, and we are hoping to have you attend a 45-minute
interview. The 45-minute interview will have a number of timed questions and then you will have time to ask
the Committee a couple of questions as well. Please bring with you to your interview any printed
portfolio items/materials for review by our committee.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you are able to attend and I will provide you with additional
details. Thank you so much!

Subject: Final Interview for Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Posi􀀁on
From: Monta Connolly
Date: 9/22/2021, 4:19 PM
To: Sierra Decatur
CC: Rochelle Santos
Good afternoon Sierra,
It is my great pleasure to invite you for the final interview for the Creative Communications Designer
Position. We would like to meet with you, in person, on Thursday, September 30th @ 2 PM.
The Interview Committee is composed of 6 individuals, and we are hoping to have you attend a 45-minute
interview. The 45-minute interview will have a number of timed questions and then you will have time to ask
the Committee a couple of questions as well. Please bring with you to your interview any printed
portfolio items/materials for review by our committee.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you are able to attend and I will provide you with additional
details. Thank you so much!


From: Monta Connolly
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2021 4:19:54 PM
To: Renan Malkavian
Cc: Rochelle Santos
Subject: Final Interview for Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Posi􀀁on
afternoon Renan,
is my great pleasure to invite you for the final interview for the Creative Communications Designer Position.
We would like to meet with you, in person, on
Thursday, September 30th @ 3
Interview Committee is composed of 6 individuals, and we are hoping to have you attend a 45-minute
interview. The 45-minute interview will have a number of timed questions and then you will have time to ask
the Committee a couple of questions as well.
Please bring with you to your interview any
portfolio items/materials for review by our committee.
let me know as soon as possible if you are able to attend and I will provide you with additional details.
Thank you so much!



Subject: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – Interviewer Process
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 9/22/2021, 4:25 PM
To: Monta Connolly, Tiago Gadens
Hi Monta and Tiago,
Thanks for taking the 􀀁me to run through our next steps! Here are my parts for the Interviewer
communica􀀁on (feel free to reformat as you see fit):
Compiled Candidate Assignments (This outlines the at-home assignment projects. Each candidate has
slides for their projects +/or organization efforts. You can also access the results of the Round 1 Interview
notes and their packet material like resume and cover letter).

For the Final Interview on September 30th – we would love for you to submit question(s) for the candidates.
Please refer to the results of the Round 1 interviews to see what questions were asked of the initial
(three of the initial candidates are moving forward to the 2nd and final round). We have a
placeholder for up to 4 new questions to be added. If you have any questions to help you get to know the
candidates – not necessarily skills based – please send them to me!
Next Steps:
• Ro add new questions to the Second Round Google Form
• Ro identify askers in the google form
• Ro create slides with finalist projects (2, 2, 1) to be projected during the interviews
• Ro to test Slides projection in conference room
Let me know if you have any ques􀀁ons!
Creative Communications Designer – Interviewer Process

Subject: Re: Final Interview for Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Posi􀀁on
Date: 9/22/2021, 5:54 PM
To: Monta Connolly
CC: Rochelle Santos
Thank you, Monta. I’m very excited for this opportunity. I will be there.
Renan Pinheiro

Subject: Re: Final Interview for Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Posi􀀁on
From: Ma􀀂 W
Date: 9/22/2021, 11:48 PM
To: Monta Connolly
CC: Rochelle Santos
Hi Monta,
I am very happy to hear that I’m in the next round, and I am available 9/30 @ 1pm and excited to do
the final interview.
I will bring as many printed examples of my work as I can find, though unfortunately I have moved
twice in the past 2 years and I’ll need to do some digging around in storage.
As the father of a yet-unvaccinated 5-year-old I would love to know if the interview commi􀀂ee are
themselves vaccinated (I am), and if we will be wearing masks during this interview. I have been extra
careful lately with Delta on the rise, and my daughter’s vaccine so close to being available.
Thank you, and I’m looking forward to this next step,
Ma􀀂 Walczak

Subject: Re: Final Interview for Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Posi􀀁on
From: Sierra Decatur
Date: 9/23/2021, 4:02 PM
To: Monta Connolly
CC: Rochelle Santos
Good a􀀂ernoon Monta,
Apologies for the delayed response, you caught me on a busy couple of days! I’d be happy to join the
commi􀀃ee for an in-person interview on the 30th at 2pm with por􀀄olio materials in hand.
Looking forward to it!
Thank you,
Sierra Decatur

Subject: Re: Final Interview for Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Posi􀀁on
From: Monta Connolly
Date: 9/24/2021, 12:15 PM
To: ma􀀂
CC: Rochelle Santos
Hi Matt
Great, thank you! I can assure you that everyone on the interview commi􀀂ee will be wearing masks
and will be socially- distanced in the room.
Your interview will take place in our new office loca􀀁on. Our office is located inside of MassBay
College (Farley Building), located on 19 Flagg Dr. Framingham, MA. 01702. You can enter through door
1 or door 33 and someone will meet you downstairs. If for some reason you don’t see me (or
someone else) there is an individual at the front desk that can point you in the right direc􀀁on.
We look forward to mee􀀁ng in person with you! Please let me know if you have any ques􀀁ons.

Subject: Re: Final Interview for Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Posi􀀁on
From: Monta Connolly
Date: 9/24/2021, 12:16 PM
To: Sierra Decatur
CC: Rochelle Santos
Hi Sierra,
Great, thank you!
Your interview will take place in our new office loca􀀁on. Our office is located inside of MassBay
College (Farley Building), located on 19 Flagg Dr. Framingham, MA. 01702. You can enter through door
1 or door 33 and someone will meet you downstairs. If for some reason you don’t see me (or
someone else) there is an individual at the front desk that can point you in the right direc􀀁on.
We look forward to mee􀀁ng in person with you! Please let me know if you have any ques􀀁ons.

Subject: Updated invita􀀁on: Round 2: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer @ Thu Sep 30, 2021 1pm –
4pm (EDT) (
From: Monta Connolly
Date: 9/24/2021, 12:24 PM
To:, Tiago Gadens,,,, Inna Kantor London

Changed: Matthew Walczak 1 – 1:45 PM (confirmed)
Sierra Decatur 2 – 2:45 PM (confirmed)
Renan Pinheiro 3 – 3:45 PM (confirmed)

Subject: In Prepara􀀁on for Today’s Interviews
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 9/30/2021, 9:57 AM
To: Inna Kantor London, Joseph Corazzini, Monta Connolly, Reyad
Shah, Robert Tremblay
CC: Tiago Gadens
Thank you all for taking the 􀀁me to interview finalist candidates for the Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons
Designer posi􀀁on! We’ve narrowed down from 5 candidates to 3 and that is who you will meet today.
Here are the candidates and their respec􀀁ve applica􀀁on packets:
• Ma􀀃 Walczak (1pm)
• Sierra Decatur (2pm)
• Renan Pinheiro (3pm)
Please see below for material which can be reviewed prior to 1pm when we begin in the
Conference Room.

  1. First Round Interview Q&A (take a look at ques􀀁ons asked and answered. Candidates you are
    mee􀀁ng are on tab 2, 3, and 4)
  2. Candidates’ At-Home Assignment Projects (they had 48 hours to choose and complete 2 projects)
  3. Planned Ques􀀁ons for today (please let me know if you have any ques􀀁ons for the first sec􀀁on and
    I will add them!)
    If you have any ques􀀁ons on the process and/or ques􀀁ons to ask the candidates, please let me know
    and I will add them to the Google Form for today.

Subject: Re: Final Interview for Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Posi􀀁on
From: Monta Connolly
Date: 9/30/2021, 10:47 AM
To: Sierra Decatur
CC: Rochelle Santos, Tiago Gadens
Good morning Sierra,
Just a friendly reminder that your interview for the Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer posi􀀁on is
scheduled for this a􀀂ernoon, 9/30 at 2PM. Please remember to bring with you to your interview any
printed portfolio items/materials for review by our committee.
Your interview will take place in our new office loca􀀁on. Our office is located inside of MassBay
College (Farley Building), located on 19 Flagg Dr. Framingham, MA. 01702. You can enter through door
1 or door 33 and someone will meet you downstairs. If for some reason you don’t see me (or
someone else) there is an individual at the front desk that can point you in the right direc􀀁on.
Please let me know if you have any ques􀀁ons.

Subject: Re: Final Interview for Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Posi􀀁on
From: Matt W
Date: 9/30/2021, 12:58 PM
To: Monta Connolly
CC: Rochelle Santos, Tiago Gadens
Hi Monta,
I just tried to call. I went to 19 Flagg Dr., where Mass Bay college should be, but I’m at a state
police sta􀀁on. Please give me a call back at 617-459-0409.
Thank you,

Subject: Re: Final Interview for Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Posi􀀁on
From: Sierra Decatur
Date: 9/30/2021, 1:00 PM
To: Monta Connolly
CC: Rochelle Santos, Tiago Gadens
Yes, I’m ready to go and will see you soon!

Subject: Re: Final Interview for Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Posi􀀁on
From: Monta Connolly
Date: 9/30/2021, 10:46 AM
To: ma􀀂
CC: Rochelle Santos, Tiago Gadens
Good morning Matt,
Just a friendly reminder that your interview for the Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer posi􀀁on is
scheduled for this a􀀃ernoon, 9/30 at 1 PM. Please remember to bring with you to your interview any
printed portfolio items/materials for review by our committee.
Your interview will take place in our new office loca􀀁on. Our office is located inside of MassBay
College (Farley Building), located on 19 Flagg Dr. Framingham, MA. 01702. You can enter through door
1 or door 33 and someone will meet you downstairs. If for some reason you don’t see me (or
someone else) there is an individual at the front desk that can point you in the right direc􀀁on.
Please let me know if you have any ques􀀁ons.

On Thu, Sep 30, 2021 at 4:41 PM Monta Connolly wrote:
Good evening Sierra,
Thank you so much for your interest in the Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer posi􀀁on here at
Framingham Public Schools, and for taking the 􀀁me to come in and meet with our commi􀀂ee.
We have narrowed the search down to two candidates and are excited to invite you to complete
one more assignment to showcase your skills and knowledge.
We will provide you with one final assignment tomorrow a􀀅ernoon and you will have the weekend
to complete this assignment. This assignment will be due by 5 PM on Monday, October 4th.
Please let me know if you have any ques􀀁ons or concerns.

From: Monta Connolly
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2021 4:41:09 PM
To: Renan Malkavian
Cc: Rochelle Santos
Subject: Thank you – Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer
Good evening Renan,
Thank you so much for your interest in the Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer posi􀀁on here at
Framingham Public Schools, and for taking the 􀀁me to come in and meet with our commi􀀂ee.
We have narrowed the search down to two candidates and are excited to invite you to complete one
more assignment to showcase your skills and knowledge.
We will provide you with one final assignment tomorrow a􀀄ernoon and you will have the weekend to
complete this assignment. This assignment will be due by 5 PM on Monday, October 4th.
Please let me know if you have any ques􀀁ons or concerns.

Subject: Thank you – Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer
From: Monta Connolly
Date: 9/30/2021, 4:41 PM
CC: Rochelle Santos
Good evening Matt,
Thank you so much for your interest in the Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer posi􀀁on here at
Framingham Public Schools, and for taking the 􀀁me to come in and meet with our commi􀀂ee.
While we were all impressed with your skillset and knowledge, we’ve decided to move forward with
another candidate.
Thank you again for the 􀀁me you invested in applying and interviewing for this role. We wish you the
best of luck in your job search and all future endeavors.

Subject: Re: Thank you – Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer
From: Sierra Decatur
Date: 9/30/2021, 4:52 PM
To: Monta Connolly
CC: Rochelle Santos
Hello Monta,
Sounds like a plan! I’m actually en route to the airport right now for a li􀀂le weekend trip and didn’t
bring my laptop thinking I’d be all set, and of course I need it now, go figure!
I should be able to access whatever apps I’ll need by signing in and downloading them on my
husband’s laptop. I return Monday morning so I will have my computer for a few hours before the due
date if all else fails. Just wanted to make you aware so that if there are any unexpected roadblocks,
you’ll know why!
Thank you for the 􀀁me today, it was wonderful speaking with you all and ge􀀄ng a be􀀂er feel for this

Subject: Re: Thank you – Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer
From: Renan Malkavian
Date: 9/30/2021, 5:29 PM
To: Monta Connolly
CC: Rochelle Santos
Dear Commi􀀂ee,
It was great mee􀀁ng with you for a second interview today! My enthusiasm for this posi􀀁on has
grown even stronger since our first discussion. Once again, I felt a strong connec􀀁on with the culture
of FPS, and believe I would make a great all-around fit. My skills and advanced experience in content
crea􀀁on solidify my belief that I am a great fit for this exci􀀁ng posi􀀁on.
Thank you again for taking the 􀀁me to meet with me. I look forward to hearing back for more details
regarding the next assignment.
Renan Pinheiro

Subject: Communica􀀁on – Respec􀀁ve Links
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 10/1/2021, 1:59 PM
To: Monta Connolly
Heya – please use the respec􀀁ve paragraphs below for each candidate as the links are unique for the
You can add any other necessary HR language 🙂
Thank you!


Thank you again for coming in to meet us and congratulations on making it to the final part of the interview
process. You’ve already done so much to show us your skills, experience, and knowledge and we
appreciate your time and effort in this final step.
Please see this creative brief outlining a project that will be utilized/pursued if you are hired as the Creative
Communications Designer. The final deliverables are due by 11:59pm on Monday. If you have any
questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Rochelle: 774-388-7121 (text / call / email is fine.)
We look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Thank you again for coming in to meet us and congratulations on making it to the final part of the interview
process. You’ve already done so much to show us your skills, experience, and knowledge and we
appreciate your time and effort in this final step.
Please see this creative brief outlining a project that will be utilized/pursued if you are hired as the Creative
Communications Designer. The final deliverables are due by 11:59pm on Monday. If you have any
questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Rochelle: 774-388-7121 (text / call / email is fine.)
We look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Subject: Final Project Brief for Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer
From: Monta Connolly
Date: 10/1/2021, 2:33 PM
To: Sierra Decatur
CC: Rochelle Santos
Good afternoon Sierra,
Thank you again for coming in to meet us and congratulations on making it to the final part of the interview
process. You’ve already done so much to show us your skills, experience, and knowledge and we
appreciate your time and effort in this final step.
Please see this creative brief outlining a project that will be utilized/pursued if you are hired as the Creative
Communications Designer. The final deliverables are due by 11:59pm on Monday, October 4th. If you
have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Rochelle: 774-388-7121 (text / call / email is fine.)
We look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Subject: Final Project Brief for Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer
From: Monta Connolly
Date: 10/1/2021, 2:33 PM
To: Renan Malkavian
CC: Rochelle Santos
Good afternoon Renan,
Thank you again for coming in to meet us and congratulations on making it to the final part of the interview
process. You’ve already done so much to show us your skills, experience, and knowledge and we
appreciate your time and effort in this final step.
Please see this creative brief outlining a project that will be utilized/pursued if you are hired as the Creative
Communications Designer. The final deliverables are due by 11:59pm on Monday, October 4th. If you
have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Rochelle: 774-388-7121 (text / call / email is fine.)
We look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Subject: Re: Final Project Brief for Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer
From: Renan Malkavian
Date: 10/4/2021, 10:56 AM
To: Monta Connolly
CC: Rochelle Santos
Dear Interview Commi􀀁ee,
Here is the link to the Google folder I created with the assignment you requested. I recommend
downloading the video to watch with the highest quality.
If you have any ques􀀂ons, please let me know.
Renan Y Pinheiro
Pronouns: he, him, his
t: 508-816-0965 |

Subject: Re: Final Project Brief for Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer
From: Sierra Decatur
Date: 10/4/2021, 8:41 PM
To: Monta Connolly
CC: Rochelle Santos
Hello Monta and Rochelle,
A􀀂ached I have included three graphics (all the same, design-wise, with dimensions based on best
prac􀀁ces for each social site) as well as a video that could be used on FB/Instagram stories or as a
stand alone post. I have included below the specs for each item as well as some brief commentary
regarding my choices.
Thank you again for the 􀀁me last week, I look forward to hearing from you!
Sierra Decatur

Facebook Image (created with Adobe Photoshop):
horizontal 1200x630px according to best prac􀀁ces for sharing a single image *created with Photoshop
Twi􀀂er Image (created with Adobe Photoshop):
horizontal 1200×675 according to best prac􀀁ces for sharing a single image *created with Photoshop
Instagram Image (created with Adobe Photoshop):
horizontal 1080×566 according to best prac􀀁ces for sharing a landscape photo (for this design I prefer
the landscape look, but could be tweaked to fit a 1:1 square so that the preview as it appears on your
profile is not cropped)
Video for stories/pos􀀁ng (created with Adobe Premiere Pro):
1080x1920px according to best prac􀀁ces for stories images (intended for stories but could be posted
to Facebook or twi􀀂er feed but preview would be cropped. Pos􀀁ng to Instagram feed would also
require different dimensions so as to avoid cropping of the post but could be posted as a reel which
would be cropped in the preview but not when viewing full screen)

  1. I wanted to use photos that showcase the real students of FPS. Since I don’t have access to
    originals, I simply saved images off of social media, local news outlets, etc. Thus, the quality of a
    few images is far lower than ideal. I figured that, rather than finding stock imagery that was up
    to par, you could picture how it would look with a higher quality image. I was willing to allow a
    li􀀂le blurriness and ask for a li􀀂le imagina􀀁on on your part for the sake of responding to the
    brief in the way I saw most fit (this applies to both the photo and video as I wanted to maintain
    Re: Final Project Brief for Creative Communications Designer mailbox:///C:/Users/amariano/AppData/Roaming/Thunderbird/Pr…
    1 of 4 11/22/2021, 10:28 AM
    the consistency of the images across all itera􀀁ons of the campaign). Using these photos gives
    parents the opportunity to see THEIR kids in context which is top priority to me, but in a real
    applica􀀁on of this brief I would, of course, have access to be􀀂er quality photos/more 􀀁me to
    cull the best quality op􀀁ons/could always take my own so that the sharpness of the images
    would be adequate.
  2. You’ll no􀀁ce I decided to use “un-masked” photos. On a prac􀀁cal note, there was more variety
    of photos to draw from when having masks on wasn’t a requirement of the picture – and I
    wanted to be sure to include kids of all grade levels represen􀀁ng a good mix of many
    extracurriculars and ac􀀁vi􀀁es. This was also strategic, however, in thinking about the viewers’
    perspec􀀁ve(s). While there are a number of sen􀀁ments and opinions surrounding COVID
    protocols and the poli􀀁cs around them, I think most parents would agree they look forward to a
    day when their kids can go back to “normal” and freely enjoy doing the things they enjoy. The
    intent of the campaign being to move parents to opt into tes􀀁ng, I think this imagery would be
    most universally compelling – linking the concept of “saying yes to the test” to the hope of a
    COVID- and mask-free future for their children.
  3. Both images and the video are very minimal in verbal messaging with just the main point
    emphasized – #sayyes2tes􀀅ps, as that is the drive-home message. Using straight-to-the-point,
    minimal text while focusing on poignant imagery is beneficial in ge􀀆ng the main idea across
    within the short 􀀁mespan you’ll have the viewer’s a􀀂en􀀁on on social media (also why I opted
    for a stories video – shorter and more diges􀀁ble and therefore more likely to be viewed in its
    en􀀁rety). Being concise is also preferable to something more descrip􀀁ve when considering a
    bilingual audience.

Subject: Communica􀀁on Task Force: Share Your Opinion – Graphic Design Project Poll
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 10/5/2021, 2:09 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
BCC: bpuffer@alumni.tu􀀃, Catherine Allen, Don Taggart,,,,,
Dear Previous Communica􀀁ons Task Force Members,
It’s been a long 􀀁me since our mee􀀁ng at Perini (December 2018) and I hope you are all doing well
despite the challenges of the last 19 months. You may or may not be aware, but we are in the process
of hiring a Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer for the district. We have narrowed down to two
candidates and would love your input on the final project deliverables.
This person will create content for parents/students, staff, and future FPS families. Some of it will be
for social media and digital pla􀀅orms – some of it will be print. We are looking for community input
from a select group of community members (in this case, previous Comms Task Force par􀀁cipants) to
see which of the submi􀀆ed project designs are more favorable.
If possible before 4pm today, can you simply respond with your preference of Op􀀁on 1 or Op􀀁on 2 for
each of the visuals. You can provide open ended feedback as well. The results of this poll will be taken
into considera􀀁on along with the 1st and 2nd round interviews, candidates’ prior experience and
educa􀀁on, and at-home assignments.
Project Poll:

WHILE THE SURVEY LINK ABOVE IS STILL ACTIVE, Anticipating that it will be inactivated at any time, we provide you screenshots of the survey. Click to enlarge.



Subject: Graphic Design Candidates – Project Poll
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 10/5/2021, 1:59 PM
Dear Friends and Colleagues!
As many of you know we are in the process of hiring a Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer. We have
two candidates and would love your input on the final project deliverables.
This person will create content for parents/students, staff, and future FPS families. Some of it will be
for social media and digital pla􀀄orms – some of it will be print. We are looking for community input
from a select group of community members (in this case, Admin Council) to see which of the
submi􀀅ed project designs are more favorable.
If possible before 4pm today, can you simply respond with your preference of Op􀀁on 1 or Op􀀁on 2 for
each of the visuals. You can provide open ended feedback as well. The results of this poll will be taken
into considera􀀁on along with the 1st and 2nd round interviews, candidates’ prior experience and
educa􀀁on, and at-home assignments.

Subject: Local Facebook Admins – Please Share Your Opinion in a Graphic Design Project Poll
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 10/5/2021, 3:40 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
BCC: “Nancy Novo O’Connor”, Jenn Moshe,,,, Sarah Guernsey,,, Kate
Broderick Crossman,,,,
Dear Local Facebook Group Admins,
I hope this message finds you well! I apologize for the short no􀀂ce and somewhat random email as I
haven’t met many of you in person!
The district is in the process of hiring a Crea􀀂ve Communica􀀂ons Designer and we’ve narrowed down
to two candidates. Because you are a leader of a local group u􀀂lizing Facebook to connect with (y)our
community, I am seeking your input on the final project deliverables.
Background: In 2018 when I was new to the District we invited FB Group Moderators to join a
Communica􀀂ons Subcommi􀀃ee mee􀀂ng to get and share insight with the communica􀀂on plans for
the District. I was trying to determine which parent groups to contact with this small-scale effort and
was inspired by that idea. With that being said, this is not meant to be shared within your groups, as
this par􀀂cular poll was designed for internal purposes and is not translated.
The person that we hire will create content for parents/students, staff, and future FPS families. Much
of it will be for social media and digital pla􀀅orms – some of it will be print. We are gathering input
from different stakeholder groups to see which of the submi􀀃ed project designs are more favorable.
School and District Leaders, members of the PR and Communica􀀂ons Task Force from 2015, School
Commi􀀃ee Members, and Middle School students through the Flyers A􀀆er School Program have also
been invited to share input. It is not a large-scale, community-wide effort as the candidates have
already gone through a robust process to showcase skills and experience.
If possible before tomorrow morning, can you please respond with your preference of Op􀀂on 1 or
Op􀀂on 2 for each of the visuals? There is also a place to provide open-ended feedback. The results of
this poll will be taken into considera􀀂on along with the 1st and 2nd round interviews, candidates’
prior experience and educa􀀂on, and completed at-home assignments.
Project Poll:
Thank you for your 􀀂me and considera􀀂on!

Subject: A􀀁er-School Students / Poll
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 10/5/2021, 2:14 PM
To: Bradley Groleau
Hi Brad,
I know I men􀀂oned we are in the process of hiring a Crea􀀂ve Communica􀀂ons Designer for the
district. We have narrowed down to two candidates and would love student input on the final project
This person will create content for parents/students, staff, and future FPS families. Some of it will be
for social media and digital pla􀀅orms – some of it will be print. We are looking for community input
from a select group of community members (in this case, media students who are also social-savvy) to
see which of the submi􀀆ed project designs are more favorable.
If you have access to students today – before 4pm today, could you possibly share the project poll with
them so we can document their preference of Op􀀂on 1 or Op􀀂on 2 for each of the visuals? There is a
place to provide open ended feedback as well. The results of this poll will be taken into considera􀀂on
along with the 1st and 2nd round interviews, candidates’ prior experience and educa􀀂on, and athome
Project Poll:
Thank you for considering – if you have the chance!

On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 3:40 PM Rochelle Santos wrote:

Dear Local Facebook Group Admins,
I hope this message finds you well! I apologize for the short no􀀄ce and somewhat random email as I haven’t met many of you in person!

The district is in the process of hiring a Crea􀀄ve Communica􀀄ons Designer and we’ve narrowed down to two candidates. Because you are a leader of a local group u􀀄lizing Facebook to connect with (y)our community, I am seeking your input on the final project deliverables.

Background: In 2018 when I was new to the District we invited FB Group Moderators to join a Communica􀀄ons Subcommi􀀅ee mee􀀄ng to get and share insight with the communica􀀄on plans for the District. I was trying to determine which parent groups to contact with this smallscale effort and was inspired by that idea. With that being said, this is not meant to be shared within your groups, as this par􀀄cular poll was designed for internal purposes and is not translated.

The person that we hire will create content for parents/students, staff, and future FPS families.

Much of it will be for social media and digital pla􀀆orms – some of it will be print. We are
gathering input from different stakeholder groups to see which of the submi􀀅ed project
designs are more favorable. School and District Leaders, members of the PR and
Communica􀀄ons Task Force from 2015, School Commi􀀅ee Members, and Middle School
students through the Flyers A􀀂er School Program have also been invited to share input.
It is not a large-scale, community-wide effort as the candidates have already gone through a robust process to showcase skills and experience.

If possible before tomorrow morning, can you please respond with your preference of Op􀀄on 1 or Op􀀄on 2 for each of the visuals? There is also a place to provide open-ended feedback. The results of this poll will be taken into considera􀀄on along with the 1st and 2nd round interviews, candidates’ prior experience and educa􀀄on, and completed at-home assignments.


Thank you for your 􀀄me and considera􀀄on!

Subject: Share Your Opinion – Graphic Design Project Poll
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 10/5/2021, 4:40 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
BCC: Kimberly Eckhardt, Sarah Bowers, Sco􀀁
Alberg, Jeremy Flagg, Rob Levine, Peter – Alltype Digital Graphics, Bradley Groleau, Mark Ainscow
Dear Friends and/or Fellow FPS Parents,
I hope this message finds you well! I appreciate your support with previous crea􀀄ve tasks associated
with FPS Communica􀀄on and wonder if you might be able to share your opnion with a new request.
We are in the process of hiring a Crea􀀄ve Communica􀀄ons Designer to expand to a true
communica􀀄ons team (yay!). We’ve narrowed down to two candidates through a series of interviews
and at-home projects. I am not doing a large-scale, community-wide effort to publicize our current
status – but I am seeking basic feedback from select stakeholder groups including staff, parents,
students, community members on the final project deliverables.
The person that we hire will create content for parents/students, staff, and future FPS families. Much
of it will be for social media and digital pla􀀆orms – some of it will be print. If possible, before
tomorrow morning, can you please complete the poll and share your crea􀀄ve preferences? There is
also a place to provide open-ended feedback.
The results of this poll will be taken into considera􀀄on along with the 1st and 2nd round interviews,
candidates’ prior experience and educa􀀄on, and completed at-home assignments. (meaning the
results of this poll alone do not determine the chosen candidate.)
Project Poll: h􀀁ps://
Thank you for your 􀀄me and considera􀀄on!

Subject: Share Your Opinion – Graphic Design Project Poll
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 10/5/2021, 4:18 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
BCC: Richard Finlay, Sco􀀂 Wadland, Adam Freudberg,
Beverly Hugo, Geoffrey Epstein, Tiffanie Maskell, Priscila
Sousa, Jessica Barnhill,
William LaBarge
Dear School Commi􀀁ee Members,
I hope this message / update finds you well! I appreciate your support in ge􀀄ng to this point and am
excited to share the following informa􀀅on and next step.
We are in the process of hiring a Crea􀀅ve Communica􀀅ons Designer to expand to a true
communica􀀅ons team (yay!). We’ve narrowed down to two candidates through a series of interviews
and at-home projects. I am not doing a large-scale, community-wide effort to publicize our current
status – but I am seeking basic feedback from select stakeholder groups including staff, parents,
students, community members on the final project deliverables.
The person that we hire will create content for parents/students, staff, and future FPS families. Much
of it will be for social media and digital pla􀀆orms – some of it will be print. I have shared the poll link
below with School and District Leaders, members of the PR and Communica􀀅ons Task Force from
2015, a few parents who’ve volunteered in crea􀀅ve / photography tasks, Local Facebook Group
Admins, and Middle School students through the Flyers A􀀇er School Program.
If possible before tomorrow morning, can you please complete the poll and share your crea􀀅ve
preferences? There is also a place to provide open-ended feedback. The results of this poll will be
taken into considera􀀅on along with the 1st and 2nd round interviews, candidates’ prior experience
and educa􀀅on, and completed at-home assignments.
Project Poll: h􀀁ps://
Thank you for your 􀀅me and considera􀀅on!

Subject: Re: Local Facebook Admins – Please Share Your Opinion in a Graphic Design Project Poll
From: Jenn Moshe
Date: 10/5/2021, 3:59 PM
To: Rochelle Santos
Hi Rochelle,
Thank you for including me in this email. As much as I would love to help, I would like to pass this
along with your permission to my co-admin, Nancy O’Conner. I am not sure that I should fill this out as
an admin due to the fact I am running for school commi􀀂ee in district 3.
Please let me know if you would be ok with me sharing to Ms. O’Conner.
Kind Regards,

Subject: Re: Local Facebook Admins – Please Share Your Opinion in a Graphic Design Project Poll
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 10/5/2021, 4:02 PM
To: Jenn Moshe
Hi Jenn,
Thank you for taking the 􀀁me to respond. I actually shared this with Nancy as well so if you decide not
to par􀀁cipate, you’re all set 🙂
As an aside, I understand part of your pla􀀂orm is communica􀀁on focused. As long as nothing changes
in the future, I look forward to hearing your feedback in a different capacity.
Talk soon 🙂

Subject: Re: Local Facebook Admins – Please Share Your Opinion in a Graphic Design Project Poll
From: Jenn Moshe
Date: 10/5/2021, 4:09 PM
To: Rochelle Santos
You’re welcome.
I am sure you will be hearing form me regarding communica􀀁on. I want to really learn and
understand priori􀀁es and how things are decided when communica􀀁ng.

On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 4:24 PM Nancy Novo O’Connor wrote:
Hi Rochelle. Just double checking that the second video is supposed to be only one that is 12
seconds long? Since it says “stories”a􀀂er it I thought there would be more…

On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 4:27 PM Rochelle Santos wrote:
Yes! The ask was broad and sought a video for social media.
One candidate did a robust, scripted, casted video and the other offered a Facebook/Instagram
story video to coincide with the graphic campaign. Two very different approaches 🙂 [Stories just
referred to it’s intended placement]

Subject: Re: Local Facebook Admins – Please Share Your Opinion in a Graphic Design Project Poll
From: “Nancy Novo O’Connor”
Date: 10/5/2021, 4:35 PM
To: Rochelle Santos

Ok, gotcha. Thank you!

On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 4:40 PM Rochelle Santos wrote:
Dear Friends and/or Fellow FPS Parents,
I hope this message finds you well! I appreciate your support with previous crea􀀂ve tasks
associated with FPS Communica􀀂on and wonder if you might be able to share your opnion with a
new request.
We are in the process of hiring a Crea􀀂ve Communica􀀂ons Designer to expand to a true
communica􀀂ons team (yay!). We’ve narrowed down to two candidates through a series of
interviews and at-home projects. I am not doing a large-scale, community-wide effort to publicize
our current status – but I am seeking basic feedback from select stakeholder groups including
staff, parents, students, community members on the final project deliverables.
The person that we hire will create content for parents/students, staff, and future FPS families.
Much of it will be for social media and digital pla􀀄orms – some of it will be print. If possible,
before tomorrow morning, can you please complete the poll and share your crea􀀂ve
preferences? There is also a place to provide open-ended feedback.
The results of this poll will be taken into considera􀀂on along with the 1st and 2nd round
interviews, candidates’ prior experience and educa􀀂on, and completed at-home assignments.
(meaning the results of this poll alone do not determine the chosen candidate.)
Project Poll: h􀀁ps://
Thank you for your 􀀂me and considera􀀂on!

Subject: Re: A􀀁er-School Students / Poll
From: Bradley Groleau
Date: 10/6/2021, 6:38 AM
To: Rochelle Santos
Sorry I had to leave early yesterday and just seeing this now!
Bradley Groleau
Tv Productions
Framingham High Studios Executive Producer

Subject: Re: A􀀁er-School Students / Poll
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 10/6/2021, 7:11 AM
To: Bradley Groleau
No worries! I think I’ve made my choice, but if you have students today that are interested in taking a
poll on social media content, please feel free to share it with them!
I love the opportunity to get student input.

Subject: Re: Share Your Opinion – Graphic Design Project Poll
From: S BoweRs
Date: 10/6/2021, 8:04 AM
To: Rochelle Santos
So excited you’ll get a team, Rochelle!!! 😀
Completed the survey – let me know if you need anything else 🙂

Subject: Re: Share Your Opinion – Graphic Design Project Poll
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 10/6/2021, 8:05 AM
To: S BoweRs
Thanks so much!
I am also excited!

Subject: RE: Local Facebook Admins – Please Share Your Opinion in a Graphic Design Project Poll
From: cgordon09
Date: 10/6/2021, 8:31 AM
To: Rochelle Santos
Hi! I’m so sorry, i won’t get to look at this and focus on it un􀀁l tonite (let me know if too late).
Cheryl Gordon

Subject: Re: Final Project Brief for Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer
From: Monta Connolly
Date: 10/6/2021, 8:40 AM
To: Sierra Decatur
CC: Rochelle Santos
Thank you, Sierra! We will review this as a commi􀀂ee and get back to you as soon as possible.


Subject: Re: Thank you – Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer
From: Matt W
Date: 10/6/2021, 10:43 AM
To: Monta Connolly
CC: Rochelle Santos
I’m sorry I wasn’t chosen for the posi􀀁on, but thank you Monta and Rochelle (and commi􀀂ee) for
considering me, and I hope this new posi􀀁on works out well. Would you mind sharing what aspects of
my interview, background, skills, etc might have resulted in my not being chosen?
Thank you,
Matt Walczak

On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 2:37 PM Rochelle Santos wrote:

Hi Bob, Inna, and Monta,

In this document I have tallied the results of our community poll and also shared my decision tree for the designer posi􀀁on.

At this point I am recommending Sierra Decatur for the posi􀀁on and would love to understand next steps.

• I have not called references and would like guidance if I should do this and if there are
things I cannot say/ask.
• I can reply to Matt who asked for informa􀀁on on why he wasn’t chosen
• At the appropriate time, I would like to have a conversa􀀁on with Renan to thank him so much for above and beyond effort in this process.

Please let me know what happens next.
Thank you again for all of your help with this process.

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – Recommenda􀀁on
From: Inna Kantor London
Date: 10/6/2021, 2:59 PM
To: Rochelle Santos
CC: Robert Tremblay, Monta Connolly
Hi Rochelle,
I am concerned. It seems like Renan did equally well if not better in some categories
(including in the overall category!) – how are we justifying this? If candidates are the
same, we should be going with the BIPOC candidate. This will be hard to justify in an MCAD
Inna Kantor London

On Thu, Oct 7, 2021 at 8:00 AM Rochelle Santos wrote:

Hi Inna,

Thank you for taking the time to chat with me last night. I revamped the document I initially shared with you to outline the reasoning for my recommendation. Please take a look and let me know if you have any questions: Creative Communications Designer Recommendation.

Please keep me posted on next steps following your feedback or that of our atiorney. Thank you

again for all of your help with this process.


Subject: Re: Decision Making Explana􀀁on
From: Inna Kantor London
Date: 10/7/2021, 8:40 AM
To: Rochelle Santos
CC: Robert Tremblay

Hi Bob,

Rochelle and I spoke yesterday and I indicated that I would like to share this with Dave to ensure we will not end up in MCAD per my earlier concerns. Let me know if you would like me to proceed or if you would like to reopen the search.


Subject: Reference Check – Sierra Decatur
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 10/21/2021, 10:54 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
I tried calling the number provided to chat with you as we are in the process of hiring a Crea􀀁ve
Communica􀀁ons Designer. Sierra is one of two finalists!
If you have any 􀀁me today to chat or would prefer to answer the ques􀀁ons below by email, I would
really appreciate it.
What is your rela􀀁onship with the candidate?
Can you describe the candidate’s job responsibili􀀁es?
What advice can you provide to work with the candidate successfully?
What type of environment do you think the candidate would thrive in (describe culture, team,
management, autonomy)?
How did the candidate handle stress/conflict/pressure?
What else should I know about the candidate that I didn’t ask?
Thank you so much for taking the 􀀁me to respond or to speak with me. I can be reached at the office
or cell number listed below.

Subject: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – Final Recommenda􀀁on
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 10/22/2021, 11:25 AM
To: Inna Kantor London, Robert Tremblay
CC: Tiago Gadens
Hi Inna and Bob,
I have thoroughly reflected on all parts of the interview process and again the skill sets presented by
the candidates. At this 􀀁me, I would like to pursue making an offer to Sierra.
This decision does not come lightly. I look forward to con􀀁nuing my working and/or collabora􀀁ve
rela􀀁onship with Renan in any capacity. He absolutely went above and beyond in this process,
delivered a great video and his knowledge and experience in the Framingham community would be
unmatched to any candidate. However, he does not possess or did not showcase the ability to meet
our print collateral needs or an understanding of best prac􀀁ces in the area of digital media graphics
(QR Codes on Social Media) or accessibility (Color Contrast). These are the major areas where the
candidates’ skill sets differ and are essen􀀁al core competencies required to the job as outlined.
If Sierra accepts, I would love the opportunity to talk to Renan about the decision. Can you please
help me to understand next steps and 􀀁ming?
Thank you for your support.

Subject: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer: Offer+
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 10/22/2021, 3:13 PM
CC: Tiago Gadens
Hi Sierra,
As I men􀀁oned on the phone, I am excited to offer you the Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer
posi􀀁on with a star􀀁ng salary of $66,500.
Please send any ques􀀁ons that you have regarding benefits and/or paid 􀀁me off to Tiago who is
cc’d on this email.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Best, Rochelle

Subject: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – New Applicants
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 10/29/2021, 2:07 PM
To: Robert Tremblay, Inna Kantor London, Tiago Gadens
Hi All,
In reviewing the candidates in TalentEd, I am sharing 4 new candidates for your considera􀀁on.
Applica􀀁on Packets and Por􀀂olio Links can be found here:
Nick Sommer (h􀀂ps:// [Drone, video, photography, car wraps,
magazines/brochures, and other crea􀀁ve projects]
Ashley Arrecis (Por􀀃olio) [Graphic Design, branding, illustra􀀁on, marke􀀁ng, Social Jus􀀁ce ac􀀁vist]
Alicia Burne􀀂 [RISD Grad + Masters from Pra􀀂, clean style]
Rochelle Hickey (h􀀂ps:// [Framingham-based, web and design focus]
I would like to pursue a streamlined interviewing process to get us to a final interview more quickly.
This is a proposed structure, but am open to change if this doesn’t meet District standards.

  1. Phone Screen or Ini􀀁al Interview via Zoom to gauge interest given the 􀀁me lapse from earlier
    applicants (Rochelle independently or with Monta – we can use a simplified version of 1st Round
    Google Form)
  2. At-Home Assignment (only 1 of the 5 requested assignments from the earlier interview process)
    [u􀀁lize projects to reduce to 2-3 candidates]
  3. Final In-Person Interviews with small commi􀀂ee: Rochelle, Bob, Inna, Tiago, Reyad (We can use a
    simplified version of the Google Form created for the final interview in September)
    I look forward to your thoughts and would appreciate your support in preparing for this next round of
    Thank you!

From: Rochelle Santos
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2021 10:54 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

I tried calling the number provided to chat with you as we are in the process of hiring a Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer. Sierra is one of two finalists!

If you have any 􀀁me today to chat or would prefer to answer the ques􀀁ons below by email, I would really appreciate

What is your rela􀀁onship with the candidate?

Can you describe the candidate’s job responsibili􀀁es?

What advice can you provide to work with the candidate successfully?

What type of environment do you think the candidate would thrive in (describe culture, team, management, autonomy)?

How did the candidate handle stress/conflict/pressure?

What else should I know about the candidate that I didn’t ask?

Thank you so much for taking the 􀀁me to respond or to speak with me. I can be reached at the office or cell number listed below.


Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – Recommenda􀀁on
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 10/22/2021, 11:06 AM
To: Inna Kantor London
CC: Robert Tremblay, Monta Connolly

Hi Inna,
I recognize your concern and appreciate you being a partner in this effort. The final decision cannot be based on the final project assets or test results alone and I did express that before we pursued this final element. I am considering the cumula􀀁ve results and the en􀀁re interview process with an emphasis on skillset.

I apologize that I am unfamiliar with MCAD and I would never want to put the District in a nega􀀁ve posi􀀁on. If your concern is strong enough to not pursue Sierra for this posi􀀁on, I would probably recommend we look at the candidates in Talented as there are some highly skilled applicants who’ve submi􀀄ed interest since we began the round 1 process.

Ashley Arrecis (need por􀀅olio link)
Chris􀀁na So Tyler (need new por􀀅olio link)

I look forward to your reply and guidance on how to navigate this next step.

Subject: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – Final Recommenda􀀁on
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 10/22/2021, 11:25 AM
To: Inna Kantor London, Robert Tremblay
CC: Tiago Gadens

Hi Inna and Bob,

I have thoroughly reflected on all parts of the interview process and again the skill sets presented by the candidates. At this 􀀁me, I would like to pursue making an offer to Sierra.
This decision does not come lightly. I look forward to con􀀁nuing my working and/or collabora􀀁ve rela􀀁onship with Renan in any capacity. He absolutely went above and beyond in this process, delivered a great video and his knowledge and experience in the Framingham community would be unmatched to any candidate. However, he does not possess or did not showcase the ability to meet our print collateral needs or an understanding of best prac􀀁ces in the area of digital media graphics
(QR Codes on Social Media) or accessibility (Color Contrast). These are the major areas where the candidates’ skill sets differ and are essen􀀁al core competencies required to the job as outlined.

If Sierra accepts, I would love the opportunity to talk to Renan about the decision. Can you please help me to understand next steps and 􀀁ming?

Thank you for your support.

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – Final Recommenda􀀁on
From: Robert Tremblay
Date: 10/22/2021, 12:44 PM
To: Rochelle Santos
CC: Inna Kantor London, Tiago Gadens

Thanks, Rochelle, for letting us know how you would like to proceed. I’m sure that Inna and Tiago can advise on the appropriate next steps. I’m glad that you will have the support that your office needs.

My best,

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – Final Recommenda􀀁on
From: Tiago Gadens
Date: 10/22/2021, 1:56 PM
To: Robert Tremblay
CC: Inna Kantor London, Rochelle Santos, Lincoln Lynch

Hi Rochelle

Based on her resume, she has 4 years of experience and a Bachelors’s degree, which brings us to $66,000.00 per year. She is also bilingual in Spanish which adds $500.00.
You can go ahead and offer her $66,500.00. If she accepts, you can go ahead and recommend her for hire (in the same way you do for webmasters).
Please let me know if you need any help.

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – Final Recommenda􀀁on
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 10/22/2021, 2:37 PM
To: Tiago Gadens
CC: Robert Tremblay, Inna Kantor London, Lincoln Lynch

Thank you so much for this Tiago. I apologize for the basic ques􀀁on, but is it okay for me to call her and offer her the posi􀀁on verbally at that salary rate? Or is there a documented process for making an offer?

I just want to make sure I am doing the right thing. Thank you again for your assistance.
I also assume I can give her through the weekend to reply.


Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – Final Recommenda􀀁on
From: Tiago Gadens
Date: 10/22/2021, 2:39 PM
To: Rochelle Santos
CC: Robert Tremblay, Inna Kantor London, Lincoln Lynch

Yes, you call her and make the offer.
It is very likely that she will ask some time to think about it and consult with her family.

Then, you give her the weekend.
Let me know how it goes.

On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 2:50 PM Rochelle Santos wrote:
Thank you. Is there any follow up informa􀀁on regarding benefits, holidays, 􀀁me-off, etc that we can
follow up with?

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – Final Recommenda􀀁on
From: Tiago Gadens
Date: 10/22/2021, 3:08 PM
To: Rochelle Santos
CC: Inna Kantor London, Lincoln Lynch, Robert Tremblay
You can direct her to me.

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – Final Recommenda􀀁on
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 10/22/2021, 3:09 PM
To: Tiago Gadens
CC: Inna Kantor London, Lincoln Lynch, Robert Tremblay
Will do! Thank you again.

On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 4:14 PM Sierra Decatur wrote:
Good a􀀄ernoon Rochelle and Tiago,
Wonderful, thank you again!
Tiago, could you send over a summary of the benefits package for me to review this weekend and get back to you regarding any ques􀀁ons I may have next week?
Thank you!
Sierra Decatur

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – Final Recommenda􀀁on
From: Tiago Gadens
Date: 10/22/2021, 3:10 PM
To: Rochelle Santos
CC: Inna Kantor London, Lincoln Lynch, Robert Tremblay
You’re welcome! Good luck

Subject: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer: Offer+
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 10/22/2021, 3:13 PM
CC: Tiago Gadens

Hi Sierra,

As I men􀀁oned on the phone, I am excited to offer you the Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer posi􀀁on with a star􀀁ng salary of $66,500.

Please send any ques􀀁ons that you have regarding benefits and/or paid 􀀁me off to Tiago who is cc’d on this email.

I look forward to hearing from you!

On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 4:22 PM Tiago Gadens wrote:
Dear Sierra:
Congratulations on the job offer.
Here is our benefits package. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Subject: RE: [EXT] Reference Check – Sierra Decatur
From: Suzanne Carlson
Date: 10/22/2021, 4:32 PM
To: Rochelle Santos

Hello Rochelle-

I apologize for my delay. Please see replies in green text below.

Suzanne Carlson, CTSM
Principal Event Planner
Waters Corporation
phone 508-482-3953 mobile 508-335-2694
web email
34 Maple Street, Milford, MA 01757 USA
facebook | linkedin | twitter | youtube

From: Rochelle Santos
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2021 10:54 AM
Subject: [EXT] Reference Check – Sierra Decatur
ATTENTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Please do not open any attachments or click any links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

I tried calling the number provided to chat with you as we are in the process of hiring a Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer. Sierra is one of two finalists!

If you have any 􀀁me today to chat or would prefer to answer the ques􀀁ons below by email, I would really appreciate

What is your rela􀀁onship with the candidate? I am a family friend, I have been a manager, I have been a manager of hers at a job, and I actually work for her now in a volunteer role for a program she directs.

Can you describe the candidate’s job responsibili􀀁es? She worked on projects related to events and upda􀀁ng the website. Site selec􀀁on research, crea􀀁ng name badges, upda􀀁ng web site informa􀀁on, building out calendars, research on trade shows, social media posts, completed service forms, shipping forms. She worked for two summers
and the first 􀀁me it was helping the event Team and the second 􀀁me it was helping the web team. It is hard to recall exactly but it was a lot of special projects.

What advice can you provide to work with the candidate successfully? She likes to be appreciated for the role she does. She is very crea􀀁ve if given the ability to think it through on her own.

What type of environment do you think the candidate would thrive in (describe culture, team, management, autonomy)? Flexibility in the workplace for balance. She is a hard worker and doesn’t need a lot of supervision in my opinion. I actually find her to be a good leader, as I men􀀁oned I now work for her in a volunteer role. She listens,
appreciates ideas, alternate solu􀀁ons, collabora􀀁on.

How did the candidate handle stress/conflict/pressure? She definitely doesn’t start conflict and has a very good way about her with difficult situa􀀁ons. She thrives under pressure. She puts a lot of stress on herself.

What else should I know about the candidate that I didn’t ask? I recall filling out informa􀀁on as a reference for Sierra when she applied for the role and I think there were some addi􀀁onal ques􀀁ons that you can review. She has a very good work ethic and an extremely good heart.

Thank you so much for taking the 􀀁me to respond or to speak with me. I can be reached at the office or cell number listed below.


Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer: Offer+
From: Sierra Decatur
Date: 10/22/2021, 4:30 PM
To: Tiago Gadens
CC: Rochelle Santos

Thank you Tiago!
Would you also be able to provide some informa􀀁on on PTO and vaca􀀁on, any other benefit offerings beyond insurance plans (401k, 401k match, etc.), as well as current Covid policies?

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer: Offer+
From: Tiago Gadens
Date: 10/25/2021, 8:41 AM
To: Sierra Decatur
CC: Rochelle Santos
Hi Sierra
I am very sorry for the late reply.
In this position, you will be getting 20 vacation days, three personal days, and 12 sick days. We do not
have 401K, but we do have 403B and 457 investments available.
In terms of COVID policies, we are providing PCR tests to the staff once a week. We no longer allow
teams to work remotely.
I hope this helps.

Subject: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – New Applicants
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 10/29/2021, 2:07 PM
To: Robert Tremblay, Inna Kantor London, Tiago Gadens
Hi All,
In reviewing the candidates in TalentEd, I am sharing 4 new candidates for your considera􀀁on.

Applica􀀁on Packets and Por􀀂olio Links can be found here:
Nick Sommer (h􀀂ps:// [Drone, video, photography, car wraps,
magazines/brochures, and other crea􀀁ve projects]
Ashley Arrecis (Por􀀃olio) [Graphic Design, branding, illustra􀀁on, marke􀀁ng, Social Jus􀀁ce ac􀀁vist]
Alicia Burne􀀂 [RISD Grad + Masters from Pra􀀂, clean style]
Rochelle Hickey (https:// [Framingham-based, web and design focus]
I would like to pursue a streamlined interviewing process to get us to a final interview more quickly.
This is a proposed structure, but am open to change if this doesn’t meet District standards.

  1. Phone Screen or Ini􀀁al Interview via Zoom to gauge interest given the 􀀁me lapse from earlier
    applicants (Rochelle independently or with Monta – we can use a simplified version of 1st Round
    Google Form)
  2. At-Home Assignment (only 1 of the 5 requested assignments from the earlier interview process)
    [u􀀁lize projects to reduce to 2-3 candidates]
  3. Final In-Person Interviews with small commi􀀂ee: Rochelle, Bob, Inna, Tiago, Reyad (We can use a
    simplified version of the Google Form created for the final interview in September)
    I look forward to your thoughts and would appreciate your support in preparing for this next round of
    Thank you!

On Tue, Nov 2, 2021 at 10:54 AM Rochelle Santos wrote:
Hi All,
I was wondering when we can reconvene on this? I would like to confirm the process and begin outreach before much 􀀁me passes.
Inna – should I ask Monta for 􀀁me with you to outline a new process – similarly to how we began ini􀀁ally?

Subject: Thank you …. Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – New Applicants
From: “Inna Kantor London”
Date: 11/2/2021, 10:54 AM
Thank you for your email. I am away with no access to email. In case
your question is urgent, please contact Monta Connolly ; otherwise, I
will respond after I return.

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – New Applicants
From: Inna Kantor London
Date: 11/2/2021, 5:54 PM
To: Rochelle Santos
CC: Robert Tremblay, Tiago Gadens

Yes, Rochelle, please do.

Also, we should have a diversity advocate on the commi􀀂ee. Tiago, can you see if someone from the office of equity is available?

Also let’s include the following candidate: (NOTE THIS IS A POLICY 44 DIVERSITY CANDIDATE)
Viana Yuri 08/21/2021 1829690 Creative Communication De… Hispanic or Latino

Subject: Fwd: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – New Applicants
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 11/3/2021, 11:11 AMTo: Rochelle Santos (sent to herself the message below)

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: Wed, Nov 3, 2021 at 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – New Applicants
To: Bob Tremblay
Hi Bob,

First – I’m all for adding an objec􀀁ve diversity advocate to the commi􀀂ee.

Second – Can you please look at the ‘resume’ (a􀀂ached) of the person we’re adding to the mix per Inna’s request and then compare it to the five
candidates I ve􀀂ed and am pushing forward?

The person Inna is asking me to include has no completed references, no por􀀄olio website, no design forma􀀅ng on their resume, nothing that shows
technical skill or experience, there’s no cover le􀀂er, and the Instagram account link is wrong or broken. I would never push a candidate through based
on this first impression. Upon digging, I can see the applicant is a talented filmmaker, but that is not the job we are hiring for.

I will go through the mo􀀁ons and be a team player as I have been, but I’m beyond aggravated with what feels like a disregard for my experience, my
􀀁me, and this en􀀁re process.

• For years I asked for a posi􀀁on to help with the day to day opera􀀁on of the communica􀀁on needs of the District – a posi􀀁on that would allow for
a junior role and junior salary.
• Collec􀀁vely everyone preferred pursuing a crea􀀁ve designer to fill the gap of my technical skill set.
• I asked for this person to report to me, they technically don’t. I’ve spent probably 50 hours on this process since August.
• I advocated for a final candidate that met the needs of the posi􀀁on against constant pressure to choose a person of color despite the fact that
the alterna􀀁ve candidate did not have necessary experience outlined in the job descrip􀀁on.
• Lastly, the fact that the alterna􀀁ve candidate was a friend of several employees greatly impacted the process. I support an employee referral
program and I support employees pu􀀅ng in a good word with the hiring managers on behalf of a candidate, but what I experienced with this
process was not right.

I’ve been flexible along the way and I am excited about the prospect of finally ge􀀅ng some help and improving District communica􀀁on and visual
iden􀀁ty, but I’m not happy. I just wanted you to know how I’m feeling.

Round Two Candidates

Nick Sommer (h􀀂ps:// [Drone, video, photography, car wraps, magazines/brochures, and other crea􀀁ve projects]
Ashley Arrecis (Por􀀄olio) [Graphic Design, branding, illustra􀀁on, marke􀀁ng, Social Jus􀀁ce ac􀀁vist]
Alicia Burne􀀂 [RISD Grad + Masters from Pra􀀂, clean style]
Rochelle Hickey (h􀀂ps:// [Framingham-based, web and design focus]
NEWLY ADDED: Leah Wachtelhausen ( [Design educa􀀁on and extensive experience with non-profit]

I will reply to Inna with the new candidate I am adding above (Leah) and will ask Monta to set up 􀀁me with Inna so we can map out a simple process
to interview the folks above. I appreciate your con􀀁nued support and hope this round goes smoother than the last.


Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – New Applicants
From: Robert Tremblay
Date: 11/3/2021, 11:11 AM
To: Rochelle Santos
Thanks for keeping me in the loop on this! I think an in-person conversation with Inna, alone, to express your concerns may not be a bad next step. You
deserve to have your feelings known and I think it is worth understanding how/why this new candidate has been added.
I am also happy to stay entirely out of this next round of interviews and give you full authority to hire who you want. You just let me know how I can be
supportive to you and I will follow your lead.
Have a great day and good luck with this process…again!

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – New Applicants
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 11/3/2021, 11:14 AM
To: Robert Tremblay
Thank you. I’ve asked Monta to set up 􀀁me for us and will be glad to have this conversa􀀁on.
I will keep you posted.

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – New Applicants
From: Tiago Gadens
Date: 11/4/2021, 1:36 PM
To: Inna Kantor London
CC: Rochelle Santos, Robert Tremblay
Hi All
I am checking with Yemi if he can join the team.
I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer – New Applicants
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 11/4/2021, 2:30 PM
To: Tiago Gadens
CC: Inna Kantor London, Robert Tremblay
Thank you so much, that’s great!

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Posi􀀁on
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 11/6/2021, 6:43 PM
To: Rochelle Hickey
CC: Tiago Gadens
Wow! I can’t believe I missed that! Thank you for bringing this to our a􀀂en􀀁on.
I believe it’s fixed. Can you please check at your convenience?

On Sat, Nov 6, 2021, 6:40 PM Rochelle Hickey wrote:
Hello Rochelle Santos and Tiago Gadens,
I have filled out the form but the Rate Your Experience ques􀀁ons prevent the form from being
submi􀀂ed right now. The valida􀀁on is set up so that you can’t answer any ques􀀁on with a radio
bu􀀂on that’s in the same column as another. I’ve a􀀂ached a screenshot showing the error message.
Once that’s fixed I can submit my applica􀀁on. Thank you!
Rochelle Hickey

On Sat, Nov 6, 2021 at 6:43 PM Rochelle Santos wrote:
Wow! I can’t believe I missed that! Thank you for bringing this to our a􀀂en􀀁on.
I believe it’s fixed. Can you please check at your convenience?

Subject: Re: Crea􀀁ve Communica􀀁ons Designer Posi􀀁on
From: Rochelle Hickey
Date: 11/6/2021, 9:01 PM
To: Rochelle Santos
CC: Tiago Gadens
It works! Thank you!
Rochelle Hickey

On Mon, Nov 8, 2021 at 11:16 AM Renan Malkavian wrote:

Dear Rochelle & Committee,

Thanks for informing me of your decision on the Creative Designer position when you invited me to talk in person at a restaurant on Friday 11/05/2021.

It is certainly a disappointment not to start working with the FPS team, but it was upsetting to receive feedback based on my skill set. With all due respect I’m sure my knowledge and experience would be plenty for the position and even exceed all the expectations.

Creating guides, brochures and anything related to printed materials is what I learned when I was at the Informational Technology school during my high school years. This is one of the things that you told me I was not able to offer based on my skill set. The Adobe Creative Cloud and their products is another example of different tools that I’m fully trained and capable of using it.

If you are willing to provide me with some written feedback, explaining the reason the other candidate was offered the position and how her skill set with some examples are a better fit for FPS than mine it would be greatly appreciated. I would also like to know the results of the survey created for the last assignment.

Thanks again for the opportunity. I had high hopes for this position. I strongly recommend that your process is reviewed since I have the impression the judging criteria for both candidates wasn’t equal.

Renan Pinheiro

From: Rochelle Santos
Sent: Tuesday, November 9, 2021 8:00 AM
To: Renan Malkavian
Cc: Monta Connolly;;
Subject: Re: Feedback – Crea􀀁ve Designer Posi􀀁on

Hi Renan,

Thank you for your 􀀁me and effort during the interview process, as well as for this addi􀀁onal follow-up and feedback a􀀅er Friday’s in-person mee􀀁ng.

Although we were impressed with your final video project, your above-and-beyond effort, and your knowledge of the Framingham community, we offered the posi􀀁on to a candidate with formal design training, recent out-of-the-box print design experience, ADA compliance knowledge, and dis􀀁nct ability to design for the web vs. print collateral. While that offer didn’t result in filling the posi􀀁on, we are reopening the search with a modified process which offers clear emphasis on those immediate and aspira􀀁onal design needs of the posi􀀁on.

I’m sorry I don’t have 􀀁me at this moment to provide wri􀀂en feedback of what we discussed last Friday. I would like to acknowledge the highlighted line in your email below however. We never discussed a survey with regards to the final project on Friday so I am not sure where this request is coming from.

I wish you luck in your current role and your job search if you should con􀀁nue on that path.

On Tue, Nov 9, 2021 at 10:13 AM Renan Malkavian wrote:
Good morning,

I would like to formally request access to the other candidate’s work and the procedure used to decide the second assignment. I will do that using FOIA if you prefer. I’m not interested to work for your department a􀀁er experiencing the way a candidate is treated if they don’t get the posi􀀂on.

To be called to an in-person mee􀀂ng at a public space and have your skill set cri􀀂cized, and then to assume that someone doesn’t have knowledge regarding ADA compliance and the dis􀀂nct ability to design for the web vs. print collateral, is not the best prac􀀂ce in my opinion.

In our mee􀀂ng on 11/05/2021 I asked about the video being voted on. This is the usual process for these assignments that a hiring commi􀀃ee is involved in and you told me that my video was well received. My only concern is related to the process that was used to offer this posi􀀂on.

Renan Pinheiro

Subject: Re: Feedback – Crea􀀁ve Designer Posi􀀁on
From: Rochelle Santos
Date: 11/9/2021, 10:29 AM
To: “”, Robert Tremblay

I am not engaging in this any further. He is welcome to submit a FOIA if he wants or either of you can send him the redacted recommenda􀀁on document a􀀂ached. He is Candidate B.
He was happy to meet with me, smiled in my face and accepted feedback (not cri􀀁cism) graciously as requested only to turn this around as if I did something wrong. I went above and beyond to support him in this process and to maintain a posi􀀁ve working rela􀀁onship, certainly I offered him more than any of the other candidates who were passed over.

He did ask me if his video was well received and I said it absolutely was. There was no discussion of a vote, poll, or survey. Someone is feeding him informa􀀁on and fueling the fire here.


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