Framingham Public Schools are failing one of the major demographics in the city. Teachers have raised the alarm and its falling on deaf ears. Dr Aradhana Mudambi was selected for the position in April of last year and has been failing at her job since. Keep in mind this is the woman who said wishing people a Happy Turkey Day at Thanksgiving was bad. If you come across her blog you will enter a world of satire and falsehoods that she presents as her reality.
Enough about the blog and back to how FPS and Dr. Mudambi are failing the kids. Its no secret that the city schools have seen an influx of non English speaking students this year. We received a tip that the schools are not following the required blocks of instruction for ELL and SEI learning. We asked for teachers to contact the page and reached out to teacher friends of our and it was all confirmed. So here is our original tip and the follow up confirmation from a teacher. It would seem that hiring Dr Aradhana Mudabi was a poor decision, one of many by the schools. Between all the staff jumping ship, the violence issues not being punished to the fullest extent and the disregard for students education it seems that Framingham Public Schools and Dr Tremblay have some serious work to do to meet the basic expectations of education.