Ketanji Jackson cannot define what a ‘Woman’ is… yet our illustrious, City Solicitor, Christopher Petrini has no problem defining what a ‘person’ is… or is is not. Petrini is said to have decided to retire from his role as city solicitor effective this summer, we ask – why not now.
What a fucking disservice to the city he is.
Not only is he protecting a group of people who are not following state laws – he is essentially suggesting that Frank Wood is not a real person. I, Frank Wood feel like a real person. I left enough information in the fields, so that the city and state could communicate interactively. Therefore I am real right.
You see there is a group of people who have been meeting in secret for over a year. They are a commission that does make decisions on behalf of the residents of Framingham, but they lack any transparency. Agenda’s – the announcement of meetings, per their own admission are inaccurate. Meeting minutes, a record of what has transpired, are unavailable for a year plus. And while the meetings, meet on zoom – they generally are not recorded.
Allowed by the state is a reasonable period of about 90 days for a group like this to draft and approve meeting minutes
Bet lets defend the wrongdoers and attack our whistleblowers. #MeToo… Not in Framingham. Here we hide the truth, bury records of wrongdoing, we protect the guilty and attack our victims. Just look at Walsh Middle School – that gym teacher.
Or… for that matter how about that ‘peaceful protest’ which the police had to be called to. People were scared, teachers and classrooms sheltering in place, classroom doors were locked, and the school locked down. People were scared, but the perps, placated, police logs changed to hide the truth.
Welcome to Framingham. The old way is over. FU is here to protect it’s residents from having the wool pulled over their eyes, and hold the wrongdoers accountable… and those who protect them.
People matter, children matter, and so do I.
Frank Wood is a real person. I live. I breathe. I speak. And I feel. You have communicated with me, both Mr. Petrini, and Ms. Rickie Warren out of the State’s Atty General’s office, have. Being a real person – I demand an investigation. This was not an anonymous complaint – you have my contact details.
If you decide to not investigate…. Please define ‘person’?
-Frank Wood