BJs restaurant is trying to steal employees from numerous locations not only Zumi Pizza, Framingham resident owned but also has gone into J&M Diner and tried the same.
Here’s a quick message to Andrew Sandoe General Manager. Get the fuck out with this bullshit. We didn’t want you here in Framingham and you’re not going to last long especially with absolutely disgusting business practices like this.
Don’t think for a second you can walk into our city and poach employees from family owned businesses that we love. We’re not saying his email is on the business card but if it was and you choose to send him an email saying what you think we would have to discourage that type of behavior. Fuck you Andrew Sandoe.

For those who are in our industry and are in the metro west region.
Generally we always welcome our fellow food service employees as family, as we all share a common bond of taking care of people (our customers) a love for food and working crazy hours .. until today..
This new chain restaurant opening in Framingham is now stopping in at local restaurants and trying to steal employees, offering opportunities of employment with business cards and fliers ..
This has to be the most unprofessional thing I think I have in my 40 years of working owing and running a restaurant l have ever encountered.
The last two years and still Today we have been forced to face a number of challenges, pricing , covit, lack of workers declining business and rising costs.
My message to the people of BJS restaurant, do your own job in finding staff like we all have had to do , pay for adds , network, hire people that walk-in based on your own efforts, don’t walk-in to a running restaurant and try and speak with the staff about leaving.. YOU JUST DONT DO IT !
Sad business practice