OP/ED: F-U Mike

Submitted by Rob M. 2/28/2023 10:00pm

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I am not only the father of a special needs child in the Framingham School District but I am also a product of the Special Needs program in Framingham. Mike Hugo’s comments were disgusting and evil. This man has to be stupid as fuck to think this was ok to say or maybe he is a genius as he must have known the City Democrat committee is a bunch of ass sucking cowards with a few brave souls who have spoke against him.

The Framingham Special Education department, has its faults, but overall is wonderful. With the options it provided me as a youth I was able to succeed and make lifelong friends. My son so far is thriving and likes school. The teachers are amazing. This program is not a budget burden. Its a strong part of our community and adds a lot to it. There are several other parts of our city budget, supported by Hugo and his ilk, that are massive burdens on our city.

I am pro choice. I do think abortion should only be used in dire circumstances but it’s not my place to judge. It is not however something that should be used just to keep disabled babies from being born just to keep city costs down.

Hugo never should have got the chair in the first place. This vile piece of shit, stole a huge chunk of money from his own siblings and was disbarred for it. Still people in this town worship this guy. He has always been a shifter con man. The idiots that don’t see this are dilliusional. 

Shame on Mike Hugo for not just going away. Shame on his wife for trying to be a victim. Let’s make sure she’s voted off the school committee. Shame on a man I love, Mayor Snitsky, Who I supported, donated to and voted for, for not speaking out against Hugo. Shame on our State Senator and President of The State Senate, Karen Spilka for also staying silent. These same people would be the first to condemn similar comments if made by a Republican.

Kudos to officials such as Mike Cannon, John Stefanni, State Rep Priscilla Sousa, and others who risked their positions to do the right thing.

I am not a Democrat nor a Republican. I find good and bad in both parties. I am in shock however that the party of tolerance and compassion is backing a clown who thinks Special needs children are a burden and should be sucked up in a vacuum. I love my son and he is no burden whatsoever.

Mike and Beverly Hugo should not just lose their board positions but should be shunned from the city. They walk into a store they should be booed and mocked. 

In closing Special needs children need our support and love, not be called burdens. People with special needs I have always found to be better humans than those so called normal people. Fuck You Mike Hugo.

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