16 South Street, LLC (The “Applicant”) is pleased to present a proposed mixed-use projected located at the above referenced addresses. The proposed project consists of 176 residential units (with amenities), approximately 3,100 square feet of retail and garage parking located in a six-story structure (the “Project”)
The Project consists of 176 residential rental units consisting of 96 one-bedroom and 80 twobedroom units. Ten percent of the proposed units will be designated as income restricted as outlined by the Framingham zoning bylaws. The project will have approximately 3,120 square feet of retail that will be equipped with venting shafts and grease traps to ensure that the space is equipped for most logical retail uses. The Project will have 216 parking spaces, which complies with the City’s bylaws (see chart below). All parking is enclosed within the structure of the building and the access is located towards the back of the site off South Street.

The Project is located on the corner of Waverly and South Street. Waverly Street is a major road
that runs east to west parallel to the train tracks and does not allow parking. South Street runs north to south and connects the less dense area of southern Framingham to downtown Framingham. Parking is currently allowed on both sides of South Street as well as Taylor Street, which loops around a small residential and commercial neighborhood behind the Project. Directly across from the project on South Street is primarily commercial uses that have on-site parking where the demand for off-site parking doesn’t seem high. Columbia Street is a small one-way road that connects Irving Street to South Street and allows parking on one side of the road. Columbia Street does not allow access onto the road via South Street.
South Street is projected to be most impacted by the Project from a parking standpoint. South Street seems to be the most logical place for parking to occur if someone will be visiting the building or retail space contained within the building. The Applicant projects that the impact will primarily be from guest or people visiting the retail opposed to the residences living within the building. The building meets the parking requirements of the zoning bylaws which the Applicant feels is a sufficient number to meet the projected parking demand for the community. Currently there is six curb cuts located on the site, two on Waverly and four on South Street. The Applicant is proposing to fill in four curb cuts, two on Waverly and two on South Street, which will allow for a few more public parking spaces to be created.

This project is being proposed by Raymond Boghos of 25 Channel Center St in Boston. Boghos Properties, LLC has properties in various stages of development throughout the state. The project is estimated to cost nearly $34-million.

16 South Street, LLC (The “Applicant”) is pleased to present a proposed mixed-use projected located at the above referenced addresses. The proposed project consists of 176 residential units (with amenities), approximately 3,100 square feet of retail and garage parking located in a six-story structure (the “Project”)
The Project consists of 176 residential rental units consisting of 96 one-bedroom and 80 twobedroom units. Ten percent of the proposed units will be designated as income restricted as outlined by the Framingham zoning bylaws. The project will have approximately 3,120 square feet of retail that will be equipped with venting shafts and grease traps to ensure that the space is equipped for most logical retail uses. The Project will have 216 parking spaces, which complies with the City’s bylaws (see chart below). All parking is enclosed within the structure of the building and the access is located towards the back of the site off South Street.

The Project is located on the corner of Waverly and South Street. Waverly Street is a major road
that runs east to west parallel to the train tracks and does not allow parking. South Street runs north to south and connects the less dense area of southern Framingham to downtown Framingham. Parking is currently allowed on both sides of South Street as well as Taylor Street, which loops around a small residential and commercial neighborhood behind the Project. Directly across from the project on South Street is primarily commercial uses that have on-site parking where the demand for off-site parking doesn’t seem high. Columbia Street is a small one-way road that connects Irving Street to South Street and allows parking on one side of the road. Columbia Street does not allow access onto the road via South Street.
South Street is projected to be most impacted by the Project from a parking standpoint. South Street seems to be the most logical place for parking to occur if someone will be visiting the building or retail space contained within the building. The Applicant projects that the impact will primarily be from guest or people visiting the retail opposed to the residences living within the building. The building meets the parking requirements of the zoning bylaws which the Applicant feels is a sufficient number to meet the projected parking demand for the community. Currently there is six curb cuts located on the site, two on Waverly and four on South Street. The Applicant is proposing to fill in four curb cuts, two on Waverly and two on South Street, which will allow for a few more public parking spaces to be created.

This is pure insanity for the downtown area, and the city. Who is making money off this?