On 3/22/2023 Geoffy Epstein, former school committee member, and now the purveyor of a blog in an effort to remain relevant, filed a FOIA request.
I would like the latest copy of the Roadway Master Plan and all master plans relating to roads, water & sewer, buildings. I would also like all reports the city has on the state of the roadways. That includes the Pavement Management Program Update by Beta Group, Inc. in 2020, and all comparable reports produced by Beta Group, Inc. before that one or since. I would also like all other city reports on roads, especially those provided to the Mayor’s office and the City Council since 2018. |
Today, on 4/3/2023 the city released the following files and documents.
The following images are recommended budget items for FY 2024 and beyond, and funding sources. We recommend opening on a computer as looking at this on your celly will make your head spin. Click to enlarge the pages below.