Month: November 2023

Chicken Wars coming soon to Cochituate Road
Raising Cane’s Restaurants, LLC is seeking to open a restaurant on Cochituate Rd, a 3400 sq ft retail location with two drive throughs and outdoor seating. The planning board has this proposal in it’s crosshairs and will have its first public hearing on it on Dec 21, 2023 at 7PM. The lots involved are 231,

If you are, shoot a line to the city clerk at cityclerk@framinghamma.gov PAYROLL CHECKS – TOTAL $45,833.83 UNCLEARED VENDOR PAYMENTS – TOTAL $294,644.99

Waushakum 2023 Cyperus engelmannii Sedge Survey

The Green at 9 & 90 fire report, casualties, and investigation
Box alarm: E1, E7, T1, R1 & C22nd Alarm: E5, E3 & L33rd Alarm: Wayland E1, Southborough E22, Marlboro T1 On arrival C2 found moderate black smoke showing from a “A” side balcony on the 4th floor of an occupied 6 story fire resistive apartment building. The building was in the process of being evacuated.
Call your city councilor to have your street shut down for Trick or Treating. They Will!
Can city councilors just call the PD and shut down streets so little Bobby Jo can have a safe space to trick or treat??? Apparently yes… Give me a fucking break. As seen in Nobscot- Saxonville Neighbors & Friends (Facebook) In the thread that followed, a participant asked if “this was a city sanctioned or

Racism as a Public Health Crisis in Framingham & a $50,000 DEI Audit request

The City is either on a path backwards – or forward – you will get to decide.
The Clique has been spreading the lie that Ward / Town Political Committees ( EG the Framingham Democratic Committee) is formed by Abraham or the Central Dem Party Leadership. Lies. The committees are elected by voters of the respective city/ ward/ town – voters who can pull ballots for the respective parties – during Presidential

A FIRST LOOK: Middle School Improvement Plan (to be presented 11/29)

Chris Weeks continues to hold South Waushakum Farms community hostage; Neighbors living in fear

FOIA DUMP: Current Tax Delinquent Property List
REQUEST DATE: 11/7/2023 THE REQUESTER: City Financials THE REQUEST: Please provide current tax delinquent property list for the city similar format to your attachment in FOIA 2021-0815 THE RESPONSIVE DOCUMENTS:(Click to enlarge pages if needed)

A FIRST LOOK: FY24 Tax Classification Hearing Documents

2023 MetroWest Community Health Assessment – Framingham Data

Can kicked down pockmarked roads under Sisitsky: 49% of needed road projects are funded*
* In the two full fiscal years under his leadership. CLICK TO ENLARGE IMAGE BELOW This chart shows that every year, there are millions of dollars in recommended road projects that go unfunded and therefore not completed. Each year, due to projects not being done, the need for increased amounts of money continues, and funding

Shoppers World Sale to NJ acquisition company
22 Flutie Pass sold for $32,675,024 355 & 359 Cochituate Rd sold for $21,058,074 The purchasing entity is a foreign entity out of Delaware which formed on August 15, 2023 who does business out of Paramus NJ. This entity owns the Shoppers World entity. It appears parent company is Urban Edge Properties, which recently purchased