VIDEO: Anti-Semites & White Nationalists descend on Framingham City Council

On February 6, 2024, in a meeting which drew hundreds of of observers due to the topic of safety in our public schools, a group of anti-Semites and White Nationalists descended via on the Framingham City Council chambers. Via fake names and potentially fake addresses, each stepped out from the shadows and spewed three minutes of hate speech.

‘Annalise Frankfort’, who gave no address, spoke first and spoke of female circumcision… and how much worse Jewish male circumcision is. She promoted the website for the Goyim Defense League as and in order to see pictures of babies dying from herpes.

‘Randall Fine’, who also gave no address, spoke about the founding of the Anti-Defamation League… and how “equity means stealing from white people”.

‘Christy Barry’, when asked for his real name and address, stated “I’d like to keep that private”, and when pressed for an address in order to continue to speak, gave the address of 14 Park Avenue, claiming “I just moved here”. 14 Park Avenue is an single family residence in the City, which has not been sold since 2010. His topic was how Jews are satanic parasites.

The next speaker, ‘Rahim H’, claiming to be a FSU student, who didn’t know his address and therefore was skipped.

Next ‘Rex Yuden’, who gave the address 1186 Worcester Rd, Unit 211, spoke asking the City to put forward a resolution in honor of Black History Month… suggesting that Jews enslaved blacks.

Immediately after the events that transpired, people in the Framingham community began suggesting that these people were members of underground hate group comprised of students at Framingham State University. But this is not true. Instead the fact is – that these are names, or pseudonyms used by public participants other public meetings, during public participation, in other communities.

Notably, just on January 16, 2024, in the Norwalk Connecticut, Common Council Ordinance Committee meeting, ‘Annalise Frankfort, ‘Rex Yuden’, ‘Mitzy Bephe’, ‘Alex Weaver’, and ‘Scott Mason’ all made similar statements. In the case of Norwalk, they muted participants as soon as the topic turned sour, and they ended public comment, announcing that the “police were notified as the commenters who were muted and removed, made anti-Semitic and racist comments”. This was a heavily attended meeting, being the major topics of discussion were blight, the sale of city property, and redistricting. The video recording of the meeting – deleted the parts of the meeting that were controversial, with obvious jumps in the feed, we have FOIA requested the full video.

Also in the city of Snoqualmie Washington, in their January 8 2024 City Council meeting, ‘Kris G’, ‘Sandem Allbeck’, and ‘Annalise Frankfort’, were all on zoom seeking to make public comments. All three were called on, one failed to speak, and the others made comments that violated the rules of the council, and “public comment for online attendees was terminated at 7:43 pm due to continued violation of the public comment rules.” The video also was cropped to eliminate the portion where online participants tried to speak, from the video record, existing only on meeting minutes.

In Walla Walla, Washington, in their city council meeting of January 10 2024, there was a large turnout of people making comments on zoom, including ‘Alex Weaver’, ‘Zyke Lawnby’, ‘Guap Negerato’, ‘Charla Nash’, ‘Rudy Hess’, ‘Andy Zemite’, ‘Annalise Frankfort’, ‘Theodore Kazinsky’, and ‘Ursla Haverbeck’. The text recorded in the meeting minutes was “There were no in-person public comments made. The following made virtual public comments that, once they became disruptive in violation of the public comment policy, were cut off by the Mayor” See the video from that meeting here: LINK.

And now for Framingham…

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